Why won't you answer the question ?
You started this.
I like the attention.
Why won't you answer the question ?
You started this.
So, answer the question.I like the attention.
So, answer the question.
Ross was made for that job.
Isn't that what Ryan has?Well since the person will be known within the club as the M.E. person, Henry has appaz offered the job to Paul Tompkins.
Ok, Neil.if I answer the attention will stop
Andreas Villas Boas must be the luckiest gimp in the world.
Talk about being at the right place at the right time. Winning 88 % of his games in charge and have experts calling you one of the greatest manager talents out there, when he's actually clueless and doesnt do anything. The team would have won everything on their own actually.
How do we know this? A couple of fans has said it. Fuck me.
I understand Ayre's show of respect to Kenny by stating that the search for a new manager/coach only began after his departure however it's difficult to believe that thay would have removed the legendary Dalglish without knowing exactly who his successer is going to be.
True, but wigan are a bit shit and defensively a shambles.In all fairness what did any of us know about Andre Vilas Boas ? That he was unbeaten in his league and he wore v-necks. No-one knew how the team played before what changes he made or the day to day occurrences with Porto. He had a good record at Porto for one season. Still he's probably preferable to Roberto Martinez who's won a whopping 38% of his games as a manager.
True, but wigan are a bit shit and defensively a shambles.
some players sign because of the manager,who we gonna attract with martinez?
And there you have it....
some players sign because of the manager,who we gonna attract with martinez?
was he a martinez buy?Valenica - has the lowest mins to assits ratio last season*
*I don't want Martinez, just sayin
You're only as good as the team you have and the team you have is entirely dependent on budget.
With a larger budget and a better team, Martinez would not only rock a v neck, but he would also rock the kop.
*not backing down*
Fabio mate. If Martinez becomes our manager I think we're fucked. There, I've said it. I really don't see this tactically astute genius that everyone else does and don't believe he's capable of the step up. We're supposed to be setting up for the long term - he'll last months if that.
was he a martinez buy?
I dont think he improves players thru coaching,its easier motivation to tell the players,the aim is to finish 4th from bottom or higher at the beginning of the season than it is to say...right lads...top four this season or else....Probably not. He was there ages wasn't he?
He's got a legend as his predecessor, so people are going to be on his back from the moment the ink is dried on his contract. Everything was scrutinised.Its like what happened with Roy. The difference here I think is simply that Martinez plays good football and when his shite players are in the mood they can turn over the big teams. We can turn over big teams with questionable tactics.....There's every chance Martinez could do very well.
As i've said sunny, Kenny deserved another season, but he hasn't got it and whats done it done. I could moan about it, or i could throw my considerable weight behind whoever it may be.
We're no longer a top tier side. Simply put we're not. We need to get someone to kick us on towards 4th. We get 4th we can work to getting to the top again, but until we do we can't break the stranglehold on the league. We need to play attackign football and have a plan B. We do that then there's every chance we'll place better than last time. Ideally we won't lose any players this summer but if w edo, we do. We just need to make sure our scouts work their fucking tackles off for once.