Just a break from discussing the usual Liverpool stuff - I was thinking about this yesterday. While the last few years had several set-piece exponents, this generation seems to be marked by an absence of their breed. I’m talking here about players who made a living out of taking set-pieces – players like Beckham, Ian Harte, Mihajlovic, Juninho etc. who were known first for their prowess with the dead ball and then for their abilities as footballers, as opposed to players like Ronaldo, Drogba etc. who can hit a good free-kick when they want to.
So the question is are any such players there currently in the Premier League. I reckon Aurelio and David Bentley would have a fair shot at being the sort if they played more regularly. But outside of them, I can’t think of too many. What about La Liga and Serie A? Any thoughts?
So the question is are any such players there currently in the Premier League. I reckon Aurelio and David Bentley would have a fair shot at being the sort if they played more regularly. But outside of them, I can’t think of too many. What about La Liga and Serie A? Any thoughts?