I don't really like the wave either, it seems all Superbowl to me.
But if it helps the fans find more fun, then it's OK.
You seem firstly annoyed because they wouldnt do the wave, then you're annoyed because they wouldn't stop.
Lighten up,Rog...was just for fun.
You're right that it went on for far too long tho.
As for the Singaporeans, I think they did admirably well.
They seem to have surpassed the Thais for raw passion and emotion, and that is not an easy thing to do.
I don't have that many complaints with the organisational skills either; whilst the stadium was indeed run-down..the officials from the FA were very helpful...from moving people along to even taking photos for fans 8)
In comparison, the Malaysian stadium was far larger and newer, but the officials were nowhere to be found...there were loads of cops around who didn't realise what 'security' meant.
Besides, Kallang Stadium had beer ;D
So, majulah Singapura ;D
PS : thanks for the kind comments everyone...