This is why nobody likes Swedes and it's considered one of the most boring, humourless countries in the world.
The women are generally good fun.
This is why nobody likes Swedes and it's considered one of the most boring, humourless countries in the world.
Its all about how you express yourself.Should you get plaudits for your stance, or is it rude or demeaning to share it?
Denmark is far worse.. They all Like Tina Turner and shit music like that, and all talk English like they have watched the entire box set of Freinds..This is why nobody likes Swedes and it's considered one of the most boring, humourless countries in the world.
Denmark is far worse.. They all Like Tina Turner and shit music like that, and all talk English like they have watched the entire box set of Freinds..
They are incredibly Nieve too and the Danish language is like they have an apple permanently lodged in their throat..
Nice country though, but incredibly flat
Even Swedes don't like Danes.
Except ex lfc players.
Have to add that Kompany was immensed. Made that former Valencia player looked so much better playing alongside him.
We had 8 offsides to their 0 at some point. That's how well their backline was marshalled.
And we don't like Norway. We look at them and see all the oil we missed out on because of the 1905 union dissolution. They are now one of the richest countries in the world and we have big debts. All that was left was a lot of trees.
Really? I havent noticed in all honesty. I've got loads of Swedish friends over here that have moved across the border for work. I'm also dating a Swedish girl at the moment.
I dont find them dull or boring as described by Brendan.
That I think you'll find examples of in most countries. We get along with most though I find Danes quite difficult to understand at times. We also joke a lot about their language.
The perception of the English over here is great sense humour but a moaning glas half full type of people.
Thats probably true for some on here who enjoy a good moan. About everything.
The great sense of humour thing is true though.
And ugly women. Loads of ugly women.
If Kompany played for us we would probably just go on about his errors. He has had some absolute howlers.
Denmark is far worse.. They all Like Tina Turner and shit music like that, and all talk English like they have watched the entire box set of Freinds..
They are incredibly Nieve too and the Danish language is like they have an apple permanently lodged in their throat..
Nice country though, but even that's incredibly flat, much like the Danes Personalities.
The amount of horrible minging slags in Liverpool now is off the richter. It's become the default. Was it always this way? I don't seem to remember it like this, I recall days walking round town blimping top blart in every direction.
You appear to be confused between Danes and the Dutch.Denmark is far worse.. They all Like Tina Turner and shit music like that, and all talk English like they have watched the entire box set of Freinds..
They are incredibly Nieve too and the Danish language is like they have an apple permanently lodged in their throat..
Nice country though, but even that's incredibly flat, much like the Danes Personalities.
And we don't like Norway.
You can take that net hate / outright racism and park outside of this forum please.And we don't like Norway. We look at them and see all the oil we missed out on because of the 1905 union dissolution. They are now one of the richest countries in the world and we have big debts. All that was left was a lot of trees.
I was taking about the Danes..You appear to be confused between Danes and the Dutch.
I don't think we've ever had so many players that I've been able to hate with a fucking vengeance all at the same time.
Keeper - Wanker. Whoever gave that ballbag a new contract should be handed over to Islamic State.
Moreno - The Sean Dundee of left-backs.
Sakho - Traore with a poxy Mohican.
Lucas - Admittedly his 3rd good game since we signed him in 1476 (Havant & Waterlooville and Man City about 5 years ago) but any team with Lucas in it has the dogshit seal of approval.
Can - Beginning to hate the fucking pansy.
Firmino - Spinless tosser.
Allen - Hate is too strong a word, I just feel nothing for this bloke. He is John Major. In fact, our team is John Major.
Enrique - I never want to see this cunt's face and/or underpants ever again.
Lovren - No specific hate, just a general fuck off suffices.
Benteke - Millionaire talentless half-arsed gobshite.
Llori - No reason to hate him, just do. Like Ed Miliband.
Balotelli - Every reason you can think of.
Markovic - Balls at footy.
And Klopp best get earning his fat wedge soon or he's going on the list.
What do you sound like when you speak Danish?
And we don't like Norway. We look at them and see all the oil we missed out on because of the 1905 union dissolution. They are now one of the richest countries in the world and we have big debts. All that was left was a lot of trees.
Just like English.Incredibly difficult language to learn, I gave up trying..
I'm struggling to think who would buy him, and for how much. I think we paid £9m.
Spurs, United, Chelsea, City, Arsenal, Leicester, Southampton, Stoke all have better keepers. Chelsea have two.
I think only Villa's Bunn is a worse goalkeeper.