Brendan tends to pick on the mentally handicapped, however he does it with particular vigour when the person is deeply disrespectful to the most cherished institutions of the club. Thanks for that, Brendan.
I'm not talking about the songs either. You don't have to rate Carragher, that's your choice, you get to choose how to be a Liverpool supporter. You can't constantly disrespect him though, and be a Liverpool supporter.
Stop getting all pluralistic about it. Oooh, "I may disagree with you all day, Sir, but by god, I will defend your right to support the club in the manner of a total cunt". As if "in the manner of a total cunt" is one of many, equally valid ways to go about it.
Nope. There are some lines. There's people that watch the Colbert report and think its a serious right wing commentary. That's not a valid way of watching it, even though it is a view point held by retards. There's still some fucking wrong out there, especially when it comes to things like liking red, hating other red, and laughing at blue. It isn't very complicated. It's tribal. Plus it's pretty inclusive by and large, though not so much to cunts.