But isn't this what countries do? I get your point about certain fractions of the press, but generally most countries have sections of their own media who champion their own cause. We're one of the most media heavy countries in the World, so of course the coverage is more widespread and accessable.
When people see stuff written by the English press about Liverpool, they're quick to dismiss the writer and largely ignore it, or take it with a pinch of salt. When the same media are writing about England, it's suddenly taken at face value and the opinion is taken as representative of England as a whole.
Alot of the bile of late on here towards English Football, has been directed towards the average Joe, or in our case, the average English poster on here. I don't know any English fans who ever think we will go to a tournament and be a success, we certainly don't make grand statements about what we're going to achieve, yet the non-English contingent seem to be looking for something that isn't there - from taking the moral highground over a minority of idiots causing trouble, to accusing the press of over-fawning about the team, to more or less suggesting that we fans are blinkered about the team. Many English posters on here have openly stated they don't give a fuck about the national team, and as I said, I don't recall anyone here championing the cause too much, certainly not to the extent that warrants the scrutiny that's happened on here over the last few weeks.
Like I said, I back the other home nations. Wales fucked me off a couple of weeks ago with their antics prior to their game against us, and again with their OTT reactions to our defeat. I'm not bitter about it though, I watched them last night, rooted for them and was delighted they won. I'm not looking for a verbal scrap with the other home nations, so I don't know why others are looking for a spat with us, because of what? History? It just seems to be alot of scrapping around for reasons to have a go, like it's customary. Some of our fans might not have covered themselves in glory in France, but Christ, if you want to look for a reason for any hostility, then have a look closer to home.