When you reflect on the fact that Nicol was fuelled almost entirely by crisps and ale, it makes his prodigious physical powers even more remarkable. Alec Lindsay is the first LB of ours I remember, and he was under-appreciated outside the city but he was very solid, accurate and quietly effective; Keegan loved him because of the excellent service he provided down the left. Robbo just has a 70s/80s vibe about him - he's one of the few players of today you could imagine bombing up and down on those potato patch pitches, then getting into his second-hand Ford Escort and going home to his bedsit.
He keeps things ridiculously simple and makes it look so easy, his precision is excellent too. Whether he's whipping it into the box from 25 yards or volleying it across to a team mate from the byline, he seems to more or less always make the right decision, with completely unfazed instinct.