That’s generous - probs need a few more zeroes after the decimal point.
That’s generous - probs need a few more zeroes after the decimal point.
Great footwork, mesmerizing.
Come on mate. Have our expectations dropped so much ? That's bang average.
That's like the lazier, much slower, less classier version of Messi or Iniesta.
Even our aging Thiago does those trademark shuffles every other game.
He's good, maybe as a squad/rotation player but he's not my first choice. He's certainly nowhere near Kante - young or old.
Fuck it, let’s buy the boots…
I know Brighton don't want to sell now, but is he going to get cheaper in a year after playing his first full season in the league? Do you see the prices going for other promising young midfielders around Europe. If the club and Klopp think he's the right fit long-term, then just bite the bullet and buy him now.
Overpriced for a player thats played only 12 games.. move on.I know Brighton don't want to sell now, but is he going to get cheaper in a year after playing his first full season in the league? Do you see the prices going for other promising young midfielders around Europe. If the club and Klopp think he's the right fit long-term, then just bite the bullet and buy him now.
i admire the optimismJust bumping this thread in readiness for some late drama…
Just bumping this thread in readiness for some late drama…
Fuck planes off. We need the Babelcopternow we are getting somewhere
a bit of plane tracking pics now and I am ready
Maybe Caicedo and Bellingham are the done deals for 2023. One can hope.