Just got back from the game. Excellent atmosphere, great turnout and very nice weather. On 0-2 therecwas a sense jeeezess what the hell are these players doing in precseason. No pressure, no pace, no movement, awful passing and some truely shocking defending.
Downing, Agger, Carroll and Spearing had a decent game. Johnson and Henderson looked very out of shape.
Carra was abmysal. One of the worst performances in ages tbh. Lost everything in the air, got turned inside out lost every 50/50 challenge. Horrendous.
We lack a left back like there is no tomorrow, as Robinson made one forward run all game. Hopefully that and a cb will be adressed soon.
Not a knee jerk reaction due to beer and game frustraiton. But Im a bit worried to say the least. 3-3 against a 10th placed team fielding reserves, u-18s and borrowed players from league 2 over here is actually pretty shocking.
We dont seem to have a plan, pass and move dont excist, everything is in slow motion and the players act like total strangers.
Yes its pre season, but watching the players today I wish there was 1 month to kick off.
If we play as badly as this against Valencia Im going to get really really concerned. Hopefully the players are overloaded with training as they yet again looked knackered from the start. A bit lighter training and a bollocking from Kenny might get us going, but watching tonight was painful. The defence is all over the place and that must be adressed asap.
Nice to see the team and fellow Reds though. The players looked embarressed after the game and only Spearing and Reina showed the fans any interest, which was a bit shite tbh.
Oh, and Aquilani was ace. Really really ace.