Except kerzakhov who missed about 5 sitters.Fuck me Russia have been pure class in front of goal.
Except kerzakhov who missed about 5 sitters.Fuck me Russia have been pure class in front of goal.
Except kerzakhov who missed about 5 sitters.
Wordy is crap without the solid rock that is England's Brave John Terry in front of him.
He would have salmon dived a few of those efforts away no sweat.
Hepatitis?That shit ought go viral.
Oh god. So close to coffee shooting out ma nose.He would have salmon dived a few of those efforts away no sweat.
Wordy is crap without the solid rock that is England's Brave John Terry in front of him.
a bunch of lads waving their 'wands' about hoping for magic?
Dedication oooh dedication is what you need...
Im 5 months off the ciggies now.
Read. React.Congratulations.
*wonders why he felt the need to slip that comment in here*
Read. React.
There was a nicorette ad on after the footie.
If I keep this up all night i'll be tellin you about a girl on babestations underwear later.