The powers that be are fed up with Suarez and his histronics (who can lame them) so 45-50M will seal a deal.
Is this a fact or is this just like, your opinion?
Talk about cutting your nose off to spite your face.
Ian Ayre: This Suarez cunt is making me work too hard.
Brendan Rogers: Yeah and his body language at that pre season game was all wrong
Ian Ayre: True dat
Brendan Rogers: And we need to improve the team, so I'd say sell him for less than his value.
Ian Ayre: Yeah that seems logical and then we can all get one with running the club (badly) without him
Brendan Rogers: Agreed - sold to Arsenal for £40m. Anyway can I buy Joey Barton as a replacement?
Ian Ayre: Of course. Is he any good?