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Can we find the Lavia?

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I remember reading somewhere that Edwards did not want to renew the contracts of Hendo and Gini whereas Klopp was for it. Edwards won the Gini round. When it came to Hendo, Klopp personally intervened and the contract was done in two weeks. While I don't think there is open animosity as both Edwards and Klopp are in general cool with respect to maintaining relationships and they are not like Mourinho and Rafa to air out dirty laundry in public, I feel like there is enough smoke to indicate that Edwards left as he did not want to be held responsible for the extensions. I am betting he also saw the limits of the FSG approach and decided to "retire a hero, than live long enough to be the villain".
Someone should have intervened when Ox got a new contract
Case in point, need I say more?

The thing with accusations is.....they can be started by anyone at anytime and are often almost always baseless which is why you'd never see someone like my good self Stevie........EVER STARTING ONE.

You mean like starting a baseless accusation like “Nunez isn’t a donkey”?

You’re just a less funnier Moron 😉
You mean like responding to a baseless "accusation" like “Nunez isn’t a donkey”?

Fixed it for ya there Stevie.

& is it really even an accusation when you wanna make a case for someone NOT being something?
So much of our transfer dealings can be explained with the acceptance that Jorg Schmadtke just isn't very good at his job
I don't think so. By that time he will be ready to have his medical before signing for us.
I am a bit lost...I thought he had signed for us ? I am looking at defenders now. Are ypu suggesting he aint signed for us and I still have to look for other midfield targets ?

June 26 was our first “confirmed” approach for Lavia. 5 weeks later we’ve lost our 2 starting CMs and we’re “getting ready,” “preparing the paperwork” and “firing up the fax machine” for our 3rd bid - progress! Herr Schmadtke does like to take things slow, doesn’t he? He deserves his special song:

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I bring it all baby, the sarcasm, the entertainment, the hostility, the nitty and gritty, the slap bang bosh and wham and also a whole bunch of countless valid arguments to throw at people. I'm the number 1.

SCM essentially revolves around me, I'm the reason why everyone logs in, visits and has something to say & unless you agree with me I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks.

See, now all of the above would by definition "make me a loon" which is why none of it is any true....except maybe bringing the countless valid arguments.

If you wanna find your loons, and I mean reaaallllly find your loons.....you don't have to look far, just pop over to Rawk.

does ur mom know you've maxed out her credit card for Hustler U again ?
I get the whole bargaining thing to keep the cost down.
But it could cost us more in the long term this season if we wait much longer. He’s already missed most of pre season so may not feature for a few games or may take a while longer to settle. If that means points dropped, which it may well do as DM is key for us, it could easily mean no CL due to those missed points at the end of the season.
Would it, yeah?

I'm also not part of any far right wing party....or any other party for that matter.
I'm also not part of some drug trafficking biker gang.
Also (sadly) I'm not part of any polyamorous relationship where I get it on with 3 chicks at once.
& definitely not part of the fanbase that wants to dictate what players should and shouldn't do as if I'm owed something.

Just a few examples but carry on.

You're a tit
like 2 new signings

Should be good news. Except we don’t know how long before Alcantara breaks down again. Prime candidate for being moved on to sunnier and less stressful leagues. But we don’t do that, do we?
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