You're looking at it like from the point of view of a footballer. I'm just trying to explain the mechanics of what happened.
Carroll after he jumps, is travelling through the air at a relatively high velocity. Then as he lands, well imagine for yourself how you would land... you'd have to land in your stride and carry on running forward. The exact same scenario would be if you jump up on the spot and land on a treadmill (in this case the ground is moving backwards, whilst you are stationary... but relativistically the mechanics are the same). So in that case what happens? Correct, you fall flat on your face.
To keep his balance, Carroll had to land on his right foot, then immediately push forward of it... so his right foot is planted and the rest of his body goes ahead of it, continuing to run. What Carroll actually did was try to kick the ball with his right foot, in other words, his right foot was moving fowards ahead of his body. This is the exact opposite of how to land. It's exactly like landing on a treadmill without running... your face hits the floor.
Whatever kind of cunt he may be, it is just not physically possible for him to have stayed on his feet after he decided to kick the ball out from under him.