Oh Wenger's a charmless little shit. Utterly bereft of class or good grace. Unsuited to sport, in fact. He's always sniping at other managers for not behaving well, but he's the one who keeps walking off in a childish huff if his team loses; he's the one who won't even shake an opposing manager's hand if he's upset about something during a game; he's the one who can't even summon up the maturity to share a quick drink with another manager if he's lost. He's only able to function like a recognisable human being if his team's thumped another team, preferably humiliated it. That ludicrous Pires/Henry penalty cock-up epitomises Arsenal's attitude: don't just try to win, try to really lord it over anyone silly enough to turn up to challenge your lofty status as the club that just ought to have points delivered on a silver plate. Absolute bastard of a manager of a horribly snide and smug club.