Child abuse is a foul evil. I spent part of my career working with various statutory agencies to try and help kids who went through it, and I'm still doing so in retirement as vice-chair of governors of a school for kids with severe emotional and behavioural difficulties, the overwhelming majority of which difficulties have their roots in inadequate home backgrounds which all too often feature abuse of one kind or another. RedNinja's courageous sharing is one of the bravest things I've ever seen on here and there won't be a single one of us who doesn't admire it or the way he's come through what he described in it.
However, I'm not offering any apologies for supporting macca's disagreement with the holier-than-thou tone of the posts complaining about some other posts in the thread. I as it happens wouldn't choose to make humorous remarks about this subject, not least because I know what the detail of it can be like, but if we're going to get sniffy about such things every sensitive subject should also be treated with kid gloves. I'm afraid I don't see the justification for taking this one admittedly horrifying aspect of life and making it a special case all on its own.
Yes yes, but is it an analogy? The rape bit?