That's a heavy burden to carry around with you Jono.I have Sympathy for those that have been through this.. I was played with when I was a young kid by our Child Minder, A guy I used to see as my Father Figure, as my 'Proper Dad' never paid me any attention, and when he did it was usually a kick up the arse...
I used to be forced to play 'Sex Games' on my sister (unbeknown to me at the time that's actually what they where), by this Twat.. I have had councilling and I've spent most of my life blanking it out.. All for the right reasons partly as I know I was never to blame.. The only things that bothers me now is as a really young kid I thought their was nothing wrong with it, I used to get up mischief with others and my sister struggled with the 'abuse' she was earlier subjected too as she approached her teens.. If only you could turn back the clock..
Recently she has been asked to go to the Police to report it.. But she doesn't want too as it will dig up massive wounds for her, and we have both moved on with our lives for the better.. I respect that decision and Whilst I'd like to see that Dickhead get what he deserves, I am a firm beleiver in what goes around comes around.
I hope you have found peace and respite from it all