If you believe that you should be certified. He's a classless wum who rises out of his coffin each night, scrawls on his Hello Kitty chalkboard the crap that gets applauded at Woolawoolabongbong social club and routinely insults people on here like some painful kid trying to sound like Brendan without the brain or the vocabulary or the wit or the tongue and he rounds it off by insulting a man to whom he would be surpassing himself if he rose to reach the sole of his foot. How the fuck any sane person can end tonight by claiming this is solely down to Dalglish a year and a half ago needs their fucking head examined.
Macca. He's being a twat, but he's a correct twat.
If you believe that you should be certified. He's a classless wum who rises out of his coffin each night, scrawls on his Hello Kitty chalkboard the crap that gets applauded at Woolawoolabongbong social club and routinely insults people on here like some painful kid trying to sound like Brendan without the brain or the vocabulary or the wit or the tongue and he rounds it off by insulting a man to whom he would be surpassing himself if he rose to reach the sole of his foot. How the fuck any sane person can end tonight by claiming this is solely down to Dalglish a year and a half ago needs their fucking head examined.