Top 5 all-time posters

I was looking at the 'Member Since' date in this thread and a lot of the old guard all joined within a day or two of each other. The mass exodus from Koptalk obviously happened mid August 2006. EIGHT F**KING YEARS we've been on this site alone. I didn't realize Fabio and Athens joined in 2008. For some reason I had Athens pegged as poster who only joined in the last two years or so. Not six years ago.

Red Astaire you only joined in 2011?? Wtf? Obviously you changed username?

Nah . . . although, we haven't heard from him in aaaaaaaaages.

That's made me a bit worried now. He hasn't, well, y'know . . .

Anybody heard from him lately?

Anyhoo, there was some dude back on KT taking an absolute shoeing, and he pretended to have cancer to make the other person (probably Ryan or Brendan, let's be honest) feel bad.

Naturally it didn't work, but he felt the need to keep up the ruse for some months
I was looking at the 'Member Since' date in this thread and a lot of the old guard all joined within a day or two of each other. The mass exodus from Koptalk obviously happened mid August 2006. EIGHT F**KING YEARS we've been on this site alone. I didn't realize Fabio and Athens joined in 2008. For some reason I had Athens pegged as poster who only joined in the last two years or so. Not six years ago.

Red Astaire you only joined in 2011?? Wtf? Obviously you changed username?
You're correct in both counts. I joined up but then forgot my log in details and didn't bother logging on until I was bored and unemployed one day. I think it was in 2011 I started posting. Maybe 2012.
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Was that xability? 8.5 years ago is a long time to remember such things

A poster called Rafadhil comes to mind, Pete will remember him.

That's sounding like a pretty strong shout tbh. It was something like that I think.

Wasn't Rafadhil the KT mod that went mental in the shoutbox one time?

I've seen all of them come in and do them thread ending posts more than anyone else.

The posts where you just go 'yeah, just that' and makes everything else in the thread resemble the ramblings of infinite monkeys on infinite typewriters.
I'm going to bite the bullet and join the love in. This one is hard as I spend much less time on the site these days, so might be a bit retrospective in my choices. Having said that, I really enjoy coming here when I get the chance. Since Spaghetti Legs left, there's hardly anyone remaining who makes me cringe.

Anyway, my top 5:

Brendan: Say what you like about him, but he generated as much debate as anyone in his time here, be it through strong opinions or cutting criticism. A controversial figure he may be, but he got people involved and provided plenty of humour along the way. And if I could remember the best put-downs in SCM history, Brendan's would probably take up around half of the top 10.

Ryan: Knowing Ryan, he will no doubt expect to be included in many people's top 5. A founding member of the site and a consistent presence since it began, he's just as central a figure now as he ever was. Never mind the fact that he's consistently (and for his detractors, irritatingly) right about things, it's his willingness to take the time to explain himself that sticks out for me. Some posters offer opinions without any kind of justification (myself included these days), but Ryan rarely says anything he isn't prepared to support with sound reasoning. He constantly generates debate and that's really what you look for on a forum like this. I've been agreeing with him since the days of Koptalk.

keniget: Alongside Ryan, keniget is the poster I agree with most often on football matters. He is a football man through and through. If there is a player I haven't seen that keniget has, I'm generally quite happy to accept his assessment of them. An ever-present on the site, he's one of the first posters I look out for in the Football forum.

singlerider: I'm moving to GC with this one. SCM's most notorious lefty, I've been enjoying single's eloquent contributions to GC for years, particularly on political matters. Similar to Ryan, he never says anything he isn't prepared to elaborate upon. What's more, his sensitivity provides a refreshing change from all the testosterone around here. I've never met single (sadly), but I know him to be a genuinely nice guy, and I'd wager that as much as anyone, he's exactly the same in person as he is on here.

gene hughes: Gene has delivered the most laugh out loud moments of anyone on here bar none. And all without making a single enemy. He should have his own chat show. He's not just funny, though. He possesses rare wisdom and delivers everything with dignity and poise. Proper forum royalty.

Honourable mentions:
ILD: If this was a "Nice guy" competition, ILD would win it for me. He's gone out of his way to help me and other members of the site on numerous occasions and the grace he showed in dealing with the Paddy situation was quite staggering. If I was him I would have been baying for blood, but not Dave. He's been a fabulous contributor to the site pretty much since day one.
Vlad's Quiff: It was difficult to leave Vlad out of the list given his contributions over the years. Sadly, we don't see as much of him these days but he's a bona fide forum heavyweight and someone who has left a lasting impression on many of us here. Indeed, "quiffing" will no doubt remain a part of the forum vernacular for years to come, and rightly so.
Mamma Mia: One of the posters I think I'd get on best with if I actually met him. A proper foodie, and someone I have enormous respect for.
FFF: Technical wizard with a heart of gold, and an all-round forum legend.

I could go on, to be honest. There are plenty on here who I feel like I've grown up with. Thanks for the mentions from other people I respect, particularly given my fleeting appearances on here these days. I wish I could contribute as much as I used to, but this will always be my first port of call for all things Liverpool.
Nicely written words fella. Never really had a chance to chat to you but I always like what you post for what it's worth. 🙂
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