Top 5 all-time posters

Don't need to explain this one really. Lifeblood of the site.

Absolute gentleman. Always respectful of others' viewpoints, however contrary to his own. Also, is Jesus.

Very, very rarely disagree with this dude on football matters.

When I win the lottery I'm gonna fly this cat out to Australia and we're gonna do *all* the beak and go shopping for the best tech stuff and then do some more beak.

Enjoyed his posts since way back in the Koptalk days, seems a great person offering lifts to every cunt and admire his courage in being so open and helpful to everyone battling demons. Top poster.

Thank you. Very much appreciated.
To be honest I think i'll re do my list and boot out Keniget for myself. Soz Keni.


Still, nice to be mentioned by your good self and others in this thread.

I think I'd struggle to narrow it down to 5... always find these type of lists too hard to compile.
In no particular order, using the criteria set out, so just posting, not my personal feelings or friendships.

When Ryan talks footy, there's no one close (Grumpymonkey before he went off to be an author excepted). He grasps tactics, footballing trends, & (usually) players talents quicker than most & wraps it all up with paper made from eloquence, & acerbic wit for a ribbon.

This man can fucking write. He can pen a prose about almost anything known to man (excluding technology, he's shite at that), he can write musical reviews that put music rags to shame, he can describe films like Barry Norman would if he was allowed to drop the f bomb in his film reviews, & writes about Liverpool with the same enthusiasm I always did when I was a teenager. All that combined with a kickass sense of humour & forthright posting style makes him an integral part of this site, it just doesn't feel right without him.

He never, ever, fails to make me laugh. I often wonder what new posters to the site must think, but I decide that it just acts as a buffer. He can write on almost any subject, & write very well. He can write long posts that make me laugh then think, & write a few words that make me piss myself. He's magical. You don't get gene, you don't get us.


This man knows his shit. He gets footy tactics, nuances, & players like few others do on here. On top of all that he knows all kinds of back to nature shit, can live on a kayak for a year with ease, cook pizzas on a stone like a mother fucker, & does it all without rocking up with dreads & a holier than thou attitude.


By far & away the newest poster for me to even consider for this list, & that says a lot. When I first met him he said he liked our site cos every other website didn't get him & they're were all dicks. The fact he said that made me pleased, cos he's the exact poster this site was made for. Off the wall sense of humour, knows his footy but hates the modern bs that goes with it. Can like Rafa winning in 05 without wanting to sleep next to his effigy, knows the idea of lucas is better than the actual lucas, will speak his mind no matter what & gives less than two fucks what you think. The man can talk politics with the best of them yet carries no real allegiance to any side or agenda. Woland appearing on the site reaffirmed my attitude that if we get only one or two quality additions a year then we'll be a healthy site.

There were loads of you who missed, I won't take the piss or lick hoops by naming the nearly rans.
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Woland appearing on the site reaffirmed my attitude that if we get only one or two quality additions a year then we'll be a healthy site.

Fox's post has won the internet today. Dave's been kicked into fucking touch.

And the above line is the best line of the lot. Could not agree more.
Oh, and you're not allowed to post in this thread until you've posted your 5 by the way.

This thread's been up for day now, cuntz have had time to dwell on it.

Lists or GTFO.
I'm not really sure I can do this. In fact, I'm really sure I can't. I've got lots of little crews of forum aceness. The forum stalwarts, the Norn Iron crew, funny bastards, posters I miss, posters I'd like to have a pint with, posters that are wise in their various ways and so on, all in overlapping bunches of posters. So in other words, and he'll fucking love this, Ryan was right when he said I was hasty talking about a top five. I can't do it, and I hope all the guys in the groups above know they're what keeps me logging on.
Given you inspired the thread in the first place d-Mac, the above is a massive cop out.

I'm afraid you're gonna have to grab your balls and pick 5 dudes. Thems the rules. And given you were the first to throw someone into your "all time top 5" only a matter of days before this thread, you're not getting away with it.

Pony up.
My top 5, if anyone cares:


None of them really get into arguments, nobody dislikes any of them, and they all add a huge amount to the form, both online and off.
Cheers Gerry. Youre one of the best posters on this site in my opinion.
You have always always been level headed and thoughtful.
My top 5, if anyone cares:


None of them really get into arguments, nobody dislikes any of them, and they all add a huge amount to the form, both online and off.

Not that it's really that big an issue but Sunny gets in arguments all the time.
Not that it's really that big an issue but Sunny gets in arguments all the time.

Yeah, probably true actually, fair point. I probably overlook it for all he has done outside of that for people on the site. Him more than anyone I think.
9 pages in before I get mentioned.


(Except for Ryan (eventually) ILD & Brendan4PM)

Here's my top 5 :

1. Go
2. Fuck
3. Your
4. Self
5. !

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