I agree with the age demographic being a problem, but that's more to do with the disproportionate number of season tickets. This is the reason why the Kop has died too Jon - in the old days there was a passage through the ground over a couple of generations- youngsters and young men started off standing in the terraces singing and being rumbustious (we drank more before the match then too) as time went on you got too old for all that and migrated the stands and became an aldarse there (like me and Portly now) . The seating of stadia and making the Kop largely season ticket holder has seen the young men in the 25-30 range 1990 then stay put in the Kop and now in the 50-55 range, and why wouldn't you it's cheaper- there is no churn - If we wanted to bring back atmosphere you'd have to make the Kop day ticket- even pay on the gate like we used to do so you might get away with that without the thought of bringing back standing.There's no right answer, obv.
However, I've always supported strike action in work when the union did it, simply because I agreed with ninety percent of the reasons behind the union's grievances.
If somehow this led to the majority of fans leaving on 77 minutes, & was reported as widely as it should be, I have no doubt it would be followed up by other fans doing likewise.
The TV money comes from the image of this league. Part of that image is the fans packing the stadiums & the clubs trying to portray a wholesome family friendly image too.
Once that is endangered then they will take action to prevent that damage.
2m is nothing in relation to the TV deals & the club knows that.
Like Liam I'm most pissed off about now being able to take Luke the match. Not only that but I don't know any kids that go to see the senior side regularly. I take him to see the under 21s when I can cos we can actually afford it, but the atmosphere isn't there & he doesn't recognise the players etc so there's no real connection for him.
Something has to change or in 15 years time Anfield is going to be old men, & day trippers almost exclusively. I include locals in 'day trippers' btw cos locals who only go every now & then don't tend to sing or get involved as much as regular match goers either.
If this can at least ignite a larger action & bring with it some real debate at levels that matter about ticket prices then I'm all for it, as much as I can be as someone who isn't going to be there & make that decision.
It's partly about pricing but by no means all