I'm not going today. I've not been feeling that good all week and to be honest, the 450 mile round trip on ones own takes its toll on me at the mo.
Would I walk out on 77 mins? No, I'm not sure I would, I'd be happy to walk to the back of the stand and not buy anything for a period. People are right, we need to take action. We need to do something, but I've also seen people acting the twat on Twitter. I've been going to Liverpool games since 83. But my accent clearly shows me not to be Scouse. So not walking out could lead people to simple conclusions. Im not going to take someone telling me what to do and calling me a scab because I'm not conforming to their ideal lightly. I sincerely hope that people do not take it that far.
I think a better idea would have been to have a targeted boycott of all the food and drink outlets in the ground. Don't buy the products. You've already bought the ticket with our hard earned cash, so why give some of that up?
It's just so sad to see that we have the manager we need, we have the stadium we wanted but the lack of unity between the owners and the fans will surely fuck this up. All caused by greed.
I hate modern football.