You'd think it'd give us something to sing about
Did they change it? Now it says: "transforming consumers into fans."
Startling analytical insight Dreamy.
Although, I would remind you that the "new Dreamys" posting style dictates you:
advocate telling SoS to stick it forcibly up their hoop,
side with the underrated scando out-of-towners,
propose selling King Kenny off to the highest bidder, and
ponder how a return of Gillett and Hicks might really be a pretty good thing.
Yeah, I'm with you on that one. Dont think its a good idea. Its a reason that it has never happened in our history as a football club. Its one of those things that shouldnt happen.
As you say it can turn nasty and it will certainly take away the focus of supporting the team out there on the pitch.
This is an ownership and management issue and nothing to do with the players.
Bayern Munich have a fan base that dwarves any other team, one in every 8 Germans is a Bayern fan, and they have the biggest and widest sponsorship and associated revenue streams in the country, and also the world. They're a commercial powerhouse with no genuine competition
I know this is cynical, but there is part of me that thinks that the reason these supporter groups are doing this is to try and establish some sort of power.
Or maybe to give them a sense of importance perhaps?
What kind of power?
I appreciate the efforts of fan groups and supporters committees to try and improve things for the average supporter as most people (myself included) are too lazy or apathetic to do anything about it. If not for the pressure that applied though various means to Hicks and Gillette then the club may have been bankrupt a few years ago and as much as we were relieved that FSG rescued us from financial ruin it must be remembered that they got us for a knock down price as we were worth much more both in real terms and future potential in a financial sense.
Again it's all very well stating that they have invested money into the club in playing staff but the way they have spent money has been so hit and miss (mostly miss) that it seems largely irresponsible. One minute we are told that the club will only be buying players under 23 years of age then the next minute we get Kolo Toure and James Milner in. Also we were assured that english players were the way to go as they knew the league and would settle in quicker , then it was foreign players as you get better value even though we still largely over paid for them.
Then there's the process of buying a player , give him a few starts and maybe some substitute appearances and then before you know it he's sent out on loan never to return. Madness which I think Klopp is trying to rectify.
The scouting department was for so long pretty hopeless and didn't unearth anyone that you couldn't see on Match of the Day, hopefully Klopp has better contacts than previous managers. There are still bargains to be had both on the continental market and at home but how often do we take advantage of this.
gkmacca has mentioned plenty of times that the medical staff has still not replaced the Doctor that left last season and it's not like we've had any injury problems is it.
The club doesn't miss a trick when it comes to financial matters but on the playing side it's mystifying sometimes as to whether they have a plan or just make it up as they go along.
It all depends on what the protest is trying to achieve. If it's to gain publicity about a protest regarding ticket prices then to a degree it's already worked as there is an article on BBC news about it, however the article also mentions that the club have decreased or frozen 64% of season ticket prices without putting that figure into any sort of context. For example my season ticket for the kop has decreased by £3 from £735 to £732 which equates to 15 pence cheaper per game. It's almost like they are trying to take the piss but more likely that they can then claim to have lowered prices on thousands of tickets when the reality is that's it's really the same.
The club is now more media savvy than ever before (highlighted by them changing the FSG website regarding the fans to customers thing) and they look for any opportunity to paint the club in a good light and so they can be seen to be responding to fans grievances or complaints when for the most part they ignore the fans views or do the barest minimum whilst spinning the narrative to their benefit.
I'm not a member of any supporter group ( I'm agree with Groucho Marx when it come to joining things ) so i have no vested interest in publicising their protests or endless battles with the club for more representation and consultation but at least they seem to have the supporters interests at heart whilst Liverpool only have interest in your wallet.
How many other fans would put up with cramped seating arrangements (we are packed in like sardines) , overpriced food and drink which isn't even any good , kick off times that can vary wildly and for anyone that has kids, work commitments or travel arrangements to take into account make it a logistical pain in the arse, coupled with the high cost of tickets which is ridiculous compared to other teams in the region.
When it comes to protesting maybe the best way to get heard would be to target FSG like they did with Hicks and Gillete in regards to disruption of their interests rather than fan walkouts. The best way to be recognised is by hitting them in the pocket which walking out isn't going to do.
If someone is a regular and consistent pain in the arse then eventually you will do something about it and at the moment and i don't think FSG will be at all bothered by it but if they are bombarded by emails or have continual bad publicity then they may do something.
It's hard though not to feel a bit sour about the way football in general and my club in particular are operating.
I think they have a habit of trying to speak on behalf of all fans, as if it's one voice. .
Or maybe to give them a sense of importance perhaps?
IGive the return key a rattle every so often will ye Davud?
Fuck me.
Yup mate they changed it.
These cunts aren't Hicks and Gillette, and that's the only positive thing I have to say on them.