It's not rubbish, mate. You are one of a group of people that I can't remember ever accepting that he's been shit in a game, without always following up with a "but.... ", and then reminding us, for the millionth time, that he's a legend. We all know how flippin' good he is. We don't need to hear it over and over, every flippin' time somebody dares to point out a poor performance.
Nobody has said that it's all his fault that we're out this morning, but he was completely ineffective in both matches against their LB, and he missed two glorious opportunities to make it 2-0 to us, last night. If he's our star player, and he gets all the glory when we win (and he does), it's only fair that when he doesn't deliver, that it be pointed out.
You say some on here wait for him to have a bad game, to jump on him... Maybe so. I don't. I discuss what I see, regardless of player or reputation. And then I wait for the usual band of blind apologists to charge in and tell me why it's blasphemy to even think such thoughts.