What the fuck are you talking about? Evra told the FA that is what Suarez said, after having complained to the ref with the other cunt of a manager of his that he had been called "nigger" five times. It is absolutely not what Suarez told the FA he said. The investigation interviews in which Evra gave his versions were not disclosed until the hearing itself, where the panel stenographer did a quick transcription, handed it to our lawyer an hour or so "in advance" of Evra's cross-examination, as you do. What Suarez claimed happened was available to the FA in his response to the charge, giving them weeks to go over it and decide a strategy to interrogate him. The panel decided to believe Evra because he did better under cross-examination than Suarez (through his interpreter) did.
Don't be fake news.
It is at this point in his witness statement, having referred to these incidents, that Mr Suárez said: "It seems to me that PE misunderstood my use of the word negro. As I have said, it was meant in a conciliatory and friendly way in the context in which I have used the word throughout my life and as set out earlier in this Statement."
Don't be a fucking idiot.
So can I ask again - in the context of the argument that Evra and Suarez were having , isn't referencing skin colour a little bit problematic ?
Isn't admitting to using it also problematic ?
And then when you change your evidence at the hearing to say you never said the word negro , when Damien Commolli and Dirk Kutt have corroborated the fact that you used the word negro, well that's a little bit problematic too.
None of the Suarez's supporters will ever acknowledge any aspect of this because they haven't for about seven years at this stage.
It's really a very simple issue. Can you refer to someone's skin colour in an argument ?
Nobody can say yes to that , so instead they'll attempt to claim it never happened, that the only evidence is from Evra who lied previously and that there was something untoward about the process. All of which is untrue.
Had any of it been true Suarez could have easily won a judicial review of the decision. He never sought to do so.
Case closed.