As he's replacing Henderson I want to see Jordans main two weaknesses improved upon drastically. Looking through his videos you can see his passing range is about the same as Henderson's, but he's clearly a better tackler of the ball with those longer Momo-esc legs, however it's his ability to drive forward with the ball, and to understand when to release the ball quickly, or when to recycle it, two things Henderson is poor at, that I want to see.
The videos suggest that he's leagues above Henderson when it comes to dribbling and moving the ball forward, however I couldn't really guage how clever he is with his passes, that attribute is so important for us, because if the number six doesn't release the ball quick enough, we'll miss a golden counter attack, however on the flip sometimes if he released it to quickly we needlessly put ourselves under pressure. It's an aspect on Henderson's play i think is particularly mediocre, I'm hoping Fabinho can improve on it significantly, can anyone whos seen him play prehapes offer a perspective on this?