Right i'm home now so can explain this properly.
I cannot completely give away my dads position on a public forum (i texted asking and he said i can't) but i can PM the mods if you're doubting my credibility.
Basically the payment has gone through to City's account, so something must be happening, unless its a repayment of something else but given that we havent had a transfer with City in years i doubt this.
All I can say is my dad seems dead excited by it, meaning that the structure and naming of the payment (again i dont know the specifics nor am i allowed to say if i did!) must seem like an upfront payment for the transfer for Tevez.
Don't shoot the messanger!
EDIT: Im not an ITK with the club so don't know any details just that this transactions occurred
Right i'm home now so can explain this properly.
I cannot completely give away my dads position on a public forum (i texted asking and he said i can't) but i can PM the mods if you're doubting my credibility.
Basically the payment has gone through to City's account, so something must be happening, unless its a repayment of something else but given that we havent had a transfer with City in years i doubt this.
All I can say is my dad seems dead excited by it, meaning that the structure and naming of the payment (again i dont know the specifics nor am i allowed to say if i did!) must seem like an upfront payment for the transfer for Tevez.
Don't shoot the messanger!
EDIT: Im not an ITK with the club so don't know any details just that this transactions occurred