This is just Arsenal's way of staying relevant. Next thing they'll be setting up a Tiktok account.
What makes Madrid fans special? Thousands of people fly into Liverpool every day.
If anyone is interested, Jon Rappoport explains why there is no reliable test for this virus.
PS Ad hominems, attempted guilt by association, and totally ignoring the point raised, are all getting pretty widely seen through these days. Teenage discussion level stuff.
You can only back date this sort of shit if it ends up fine, if they have passed on thr virus then it's all bullshit.This.. they didn't know they should have been in isolation.. so they back dated the potential exposure date.
PS Ad hominems, attempted guilt by association, and totally ignoring the point raised, are all getting pretty widely seen through these days. Teenage discussion level stuff.
Well that article is much more reassuring than the one I read yesterday from some retail trade website back in 2015. So it's probably not true.
You see, you're at it again. In no way was my post any form of an invitation to fight you. Methinks thou doth project a bit much.Oh no, please don't get your katanas down off the wall. I'm scared!
As well as Icke, he also hangs about with Alex Jones, talking about HIV being a man-made conspiracy, the CIA using virus hoaxing to poison blacks, CIA mind control, secret new world order societies and lizard people, the "Deep State" trying to take down Donald Trump and the Oaklahoma bombing being an FBI false flag.
He's dangerously crazed and ignored by everyone who isn't a fucking tinfoil-hatted spastic....ah, right. Of course.
My mum told me last night that shes not worried if she runs out of loo roll, as she'll just use newspaper like she did in the war.
I pointed out that she hasn't bought a newspaper in about 20 years, and the Radio Times doesn't have the absorbency required, so shes having to rethink. At least she is also well practised at doing without bananas and oranges
Government advice is now if someone in a workplace is confirmed to have it, only those who have had direct contact with them will be told to self isolate. Not those that have had contact with those people as well, or people who have shared lifts/rooms, touched the same door handles etc.You can only back date this sort of shit if it ends up fine, if they have passed on thr virus then it's all bullshit.
I have no issue with them saying 'they are 12 days post exposure' but they haven't self isolated for 12 days, anything but.
Only when they are 'in the clear' after Thursday will everything be ok, if one (or more) of them develops symptoms today then they have put dozens/ hundreds of others at risk.
One of them could be an asymptomatic carrier, display no symptoms ever, yet still have passed it on to the West Ham squad.
It's this sort of shit that results in members of the public 'self isolating' in a completely inappropriate way, maybe by going to the shops, the pub and then Anfield tonight in the 14 days after exposure to a risk.
Self isolation is exactly that, don't fucking leave the house and don't spit all over a football pitch and let others slide around in it.
Government advice is now if someone in a workplace is confirmed to have it, only those who have had direct contact with them will be told to self isolate. Not those that have had contact with those people as well, or people who have shared lifts/rooms, touched the same door handles etc.
I'm more & more convinced they just want this to spread.
It isn't hard to come up with a good conspiracy. So we kill all the old people who are draining the western economy by producing nothing whilst sucking up resources and crippling health and social care services.Why would they want that?
I haven't got a fucking clue, but taking steps like this fucking ludicrous advice don't suggest anything but.Why would they want that?
I think it was the University of Kent who found conspiracy theorists had higher than average IQs. 🙂Jesus Christ. I wish there was a virus that killed low-IQ, gullible cunts who believe in every conspiracy theory posited by crackpotted fuckwits on the internet.
I haven't got a fucking clue, but taking steps like this fucking ludicrous advice don't suggest anything but.
i thought it was more dragging their heels so that the economy doesn't completely tank, because all we offer is financial services and nothing else of note. No one turns up to work through fear of covid, then we gon die
i thought it was more dragging their heels so that the economy doesn't completely tank, because all we offer is financial services and nothing else of note. No one turns up to work through fear of covid, then we gon die
Services is the biggest sector - IT, finance, banking, advertising, healthcare, food, retail, entertainment etc - but manufacturing, construction and tourism are big too.
All fucked by people staying at home.
We're one of the largest economies in the world, if we suffer, everyone does. It's not so bad for countries like Italy to shut down, all they do is export fucking lemons and overcharge tourists for pasta. Makes no difference really, and nobody notices.
Services is the biggest sector - IT, finance, banking, advertising, healthcare, food, retail, entertainment etc - but manufacturing, construction and tourism are big too.
All fucked by people staying at home.
We're one of the largest economies in the world, if we suffer, everyone does. It's not so bad for countries like Italy to shut down, all they do is export fucking lemons and overcharge tourists for pasta. Makes no difference really, and nobody notices.
Apart from they have a GDP higher Brazil, Russia, Canada, Saudi, Spain etc. But, as you were.
Fuck me
Nice try, back peddling fool.
Those cunts with the 'underlying problems' are probably the most expensive of all.