I can't speak for Jono, because he seems a good sort, but you definitely get that feeling with Modo, Whirly and KopRed, to name a few. I bet they all love Rafa too. "People are blinkered by last season". You mean like that CL win that carried Rafa for 6yrs? Not just three months of the next season.
I wouldn't say a CL win carried him for 6 years. There was another CL final appearance and a semi-final appearance. We were not fantastic in the league but we were solid and comfortably top 4 apart from his first and last seasons and came very close to winning the league 2009. That being said the regression in his last season was huge and he deserved to get the chop when he did. I like Rafa and think overall he did a decent job at Liverpool, but I wouldn't be clamouring to get him back either.