OMG this some kind of explosives ..
They're yours??Mines.
Well they're not Terry's.They're yours??
Its a mess. Putin making noises about gas contracts being paid in Roubles, desperately trying to convince people that he still holds an ace or two. I'll bet the commanders on the ground have no clue, half way between pulling out and staying put. Shelling random targets with no clear strategy.
The West claiming Putin doesn't know what's going on in Ukraine, truth be told Putin was lied to by his Generals over the capability of his army and air force. He fully expected them to storm Ukraine but now Russia, the alleged "super power" have been rumbled.
For the US Uncle Joe hasn't done as badly as some suggest. He got the main issue right - DO NOT OVERREACT. He also came over to Europe, backed up Ukraine with very heavy sanctions on Russia. Met all the leaders, pledging support. Misspoke but by and large he hasn't made a difficult situation any worse.
It is still a raw and volatile situation but negotiations should be concentrated on in the coming weeks.
Yeah, Biden is a complete fuck up. There was the Putin needs to go, the talking to the US soldiers about being on the ground in Ukraine, one thing after another. We are of an age where we remember the fun that used to be poked at an ageing Reagan by the likes of Spitting Image, but Biden is beyond parody.The Beeb's Moscow correspondent explained yesterday that behind the scenes arrangements are already being made to keep the gas running. Customers will continue to pay as they have before, but now into Gazprom's own bank which will convert the payments into roubles. Putin and the Russian economy need the money as much as their customers need the gas.
Biden barely knows the right way round to sit on the lavvy. He's a semi-senile shell of a man who's clearly dependent on minders to point him in the right direction. He obviously went off the reservation with that quote about Putin and it was potentially far more serious than you're making out, because the more emphasis anyone puts on the idea that Putin must go, the less he has to lose and the more extreme he's likely to get as a result.
I mean they really do..manoeuvring around themI was going to say those Ukrainians have balls of steel, but I doubt even those would be enough if they got it wrong.
Yeah, Biden is a complete fuck up. There was the Putin needs to go, the talking to the US soldiers about being on the ground in Ukraine, one thing after another. We are of an age where we remember the fun that used to be poked at an ageing Reagan by the likes of Spitting Image, but Biden is beyond parody.
The Beeb's Moscow correspondent explained yesterday that behind the scenes arrangements are already being made to keep the gas running. Customers will continue to pay as they have before, but now into Gazprom's own bank which will convert the payments into roubles. Putin and the Russian economy need the money as much as their customers need the gas.
Biden barely knows the right way round to sit on the lavvy nowadays. He's a semi-senile shell of a man who's clearly dependent on minders to point him in the right direction. He obviously went off the reservation with that quote about Putin and it was potentially far more serious than you're making out, because the more emphasis anyone puts publicly on the idea that Putin must go, the less he has to lose and the more extreme he's likely to get as a result.
Just dishing out insults is not a reasoned response and offers nothing. Biden has made mistakes but I said he's not done as badly as some suggest. He made the right call over sanctions. He didn't overreact when Putin threatened nuclear armageddon, a mistake on that issue could've dragged the world into near total destruction. He came over to Europe, met with all the leaders, backed up Ukraine with the biggest ever military aid package.
This conflict has thrown the whole world into a spin, it has challenged every leader, Biden isn't perfect, he's 79. But he hasn't done as badly as some suggest.
Isn't it kind of a low bar?
What has he done that's positive that's helped and that's made things measurably better for the people of Ukraine?
Might be a bit much to expect, but we've gone on about leader of the 'free' world for so long that he's expected to have done something positive rather than we'll he's 79 he aint done that badly
Well what can he do, Russia invaded. Biden has done as much as he could without escalating the conflict. He's cutting back on buying oil from Russia. Releasing more US oil on to the market to bring prices down. How can Biden help Ukraine other than pressuring Putin with sanction and with military aid.
He didn't get drawn into the "no fly" zone thing, which could've easily got out of hand. What is Johnson doing..he's closer than Biden. Why finish your post with a rather pointless remark..!
I'm not pro or anti Biden, but to me it does feel like a lot of the criticism in this thread is simply conformational bias. Outside of the regime change comment misstep, he's been fine, mainly cos he's not really done anything of note.
Europe not including GB have done probably as much as they can without actually going into Ukraine. The USA are not blameless in all of this. The expansion of NATO blatantly ignored Russian security concerns, which are a legit concern. The EU expansion has also pressured Russia.
The "Monroe Doctrine" is often quoted to explain or to justify Russian aggression in Ukraine. If NATO had been more inclusive of Russia after the break up of the Soviet bloc may be this conflict might have been averted.
In truth this conflict is 30 odd years past it's sell by date. A festering 30 year septic sore on Putin's arse. While the Oligarchy swan about in their millionaire yachts, buying football clubs, Putin sits with his pent up anger eating away at him. His beloved USSR becoming less and less of an influence and now Ukraine bidding to join NATO.....then the puss burst from the 30 year old septic sore...and Europe is left to clear up the mess.
Yeah, I'm with you on this government, but the UK were flying literally all -- that's right all our anti-tank handheld missiles to Ukraine when Europe were dithering, to the extent we needed to fly around Germany to deliver them. I'm sure this was down to better strategic thinkers than Boris, I must say, but he assuredly had to OK it.Why not the UK? I'm all full hating on our clown of a government, but even Zelensky himself named the UK as being the most definitive with its help out of all their allies.
Yes I can read the ToryBBC's website. Gasprombank has not been sanctioned. As to your second paragraph, well adds nothing to the debate.
I'm not pro or anti Biden, but to me it does feel like a lot of the criticism in this thread is simply confirmational bias. Outside of the regime change comment misstep, he's been fine, mainly cos he's not really done anything of note.