
If you are taking about the ability to have a good match then HBK would be in the top 5 easily but being a wrestler is about more than that.

Hulk was arguably the biggest face ever (slamming Andre at Wrestlemania 3), and probably the biggest heel ever when he joined the NWO. The only person that even compares to that reaction was Stone Cold. Go back and listen to the ovation he gets when he fought the Rock at whatever Wrestlemania that was, Rock was supposed to be the good guy in that match but Hulk got the bigger reactions.

He was also the first break out star in Wrestling when he started staring in films (admittedly shit films like Suburban Commando, Mr Nanny) and appearing in better films (Rocky 3, Gremlins 2 etc) and had his own TV show (Tropic Thunder).
Dude youre crazy. The HBK held every crowd in the palm of his hand everywhere he went for years.
Face or Heel, DX, the rockers.
Dude youre crazy. The HBK held every crowd in the palm of his hand everywhere he went for years.
Face or Heel, DX, the rockers.
WWF had some of the lowest TV ratings in their history when HBK was champ. Funny enough, Bret Hart had low ratings as champ as well but he had the edge over HBK due to money earned abroad.
WWF had some of the lowest TV ratings in their history when HBK was champ. Funny enough, Bret Hart had low ratings as champ as well but he had the edge over HBK due to money earned abroad.
Come on man. If you are talking more bankable asset, you win all day long.
Hogan, Cena and the Rock are the money team. I wouldnt argue with that.
But, name ONE great Hogan match? Like a GREAT match! One?
Not how loud the crowd was, not how many Tshirts sold that night, but how great the work was.
I agree in regards to Hogan, but his match against the Ultimate Warrior at Wrestlemania 4 or 5 was probably his best match I can recall, if only because he put over someone vastly inferior and made it at least half way presentable.

The Boy Toy is a good shout for GOAT, how about Stone Cold. I myself don't think he is the GOAT, but his mark is indelible and he was over as much as anyone I can ever remember.

Brett Hart is a fucking joke, his interviews used to make me cringe, even as a child who thought the shit was real.

Triple H is rising up the list as well.

Mine will always be Ric Flair. I look back at the old territory days when he was NWA champ, he had to go to places where he was barely known and be able to generate heat, put over whomever the territory's top draw at the time was, regardless of how skilled they were, and go 60 minutes with them. Then go to the next territory and do it all over again.

Hulk Hogan is not doing that, neither is Brett Hart. HBK or Triple H, I could see them easily filling that role.
The best in terms of ability is easily HBK. Easily. No contest at all. If you factor in impact on wrestling in terms of boosting awareness from outside or merchandising, fan base, legacy etc all that shite, then that's the only way Michaels drops down the list. He was really unlucky that injuries forced him out of the large part of the Attitude area, the most successful period ever for WWE. But HBK played a major part of ushering that in with his heel turn and DX. I remember I tuned in every week for about 2 years hoping he'd make a comeback. When he eventually did make a comeback I'd stopped watching it. Shame. He was one of my first idols when I was growing up.
Undertaker is a shout. It's him second and HBK first for me. Think HBK has won the most match of the years than anyone else. Not sure that still stands. Haven't watched it for years and years.

I don't know if I'm being overly nostalgic, but it was amazing and painful viewing at the same time when HBK carried Cena through a match at Wrestlemania a few years ago. Cena the biggest man in the company that time and he was pale shadow of someone about 20 years older.
Undertakers early career was spectacular (possibly because i was a kid and terrified of him).
But he still kept on churning out great matches as he got older.

Whats going on with Roman Reigns ?
Undertakers early career was spectacular (possibly because i was a kid and terrified of him).
But he still kept on churning out great matches as he got older.

Whats going on with Roman Reigns ?
As a kid? I'm still terrified of the cunt.
The Undertaker as a draw, as a persona, a character, an entity, a myth, no one comes close.
But as a wrestler? No way.

Probably my all time wrestling hero is the Taker and has just been the phenom since day 1. Hes on the same list as Hogan, Hbk, Brett Hart, Ric Flair, Triple H, Macho Man, Stone Cold and The Rock as the all time top top talents, HBK will always have the edge for me because he was such a good wrestler.
Of that list Flair, Brett Hart and HBK are the only true 'Wrestlers' maybe the Macho Man aswell.

I dont think anyone defines WWF more than the undertaker (ive also read that he is well known along with Chris Jericho as one of the very very few BIG stars who will happily put a lesser wrestler over for a push, most of the marquee guys when instructed to put someone over will never do it clean and only via DQ or something like that whereas the Undertaker will support them on their push) and if it was down to my favourite wrestler ever he would probably be my choice (or Eddie Guerrero) but HBK is untouchable for me as I said, tag team, high flyer, baby face, heel, rookie, veteran, factions in fact anything. Brilliant on the mic, brilliant in the ring, brilliant behind the scenes just the goat. Its not even close for me.
Undertakers early career was spectacular (possibly because i was a kid and terrified of him).
But he still kept on churning out great matches as he got older.

Whats going on with Roman Reigns ?

Undertaker got better as he got older because they stopped lumping him with dickheads like Giant Gonzalez.
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