City beat Fulham tomorrow and stay on track to win the league preventing Arsenal doing so but end our slim hopes of the title or City draw/lose and keep us in the race but open the door for Lego head and co to win it.
The only correct answer.prefer arsenal to lose their next two games (won't happen), then city draw fulham and lose their next two games, and us win the last two games.
Do say hello to ThiagoWe lost the league ages ago. I’ve been on the beach for weeks
I'd also like Lego head to trip, tear his ACL, fall down the stairs and then have some sort of frontal lobe injury that means he can't manage any more. Get him working in Tesco's
He'd still keep them up the lucky bastardsWhy give him the prestige of a job in Tesco - surely Everton would beckon.
…they’ve reached the culmination of Big Flange’s ‘No defensive line needed’ vision of late…which is tantamount to throwing away every game anyway…Hope Spurs give City the game.
Ange the flange to the rescue. If he wasn’t so incompetent.Remember when people thought City would drop points on the run in?
Looking very likely that they’ll rattle off 9 wins in a row to take the title.
5 up next season and the transition to farmer league will be complete.
Ya that’s been equally annoying and surprisingly annoying. I thought they’d fall away. I knew us going for everything would kill us, just didn’t think it would take so long. We had a great crack at it and could have maybe won the league if we dropped the other cups.Remember when you said Arsenal were not a threat to us and would 100% bottle ir