Ok, this was inspired by the rather odd (sorry) thread that summer onions started.
It went off on a tangent & the fantastic word 'schadenfreude' was mentioned as well as a Japanese word (I can't spell that from memory).
Both of these are words that our language could do with.
I also mentioned 'inbow' which I made up for the inside of the elbow, & of course 'quiffing' was mentioned too. Both of these you could easily argue that English needs yet doesn't have a word for.
We keeping hearing about twerking, chillax, & even selfie. However none of those need a word imo, there's much greater needs elsewhere.
So, tell us what word the English language should adopt from another language, or what we do actually need a word for but haven't got one yet, & maybe the forum can invent one!
It went off on a tangent & the fantastic word 'schadenfreude' was mentioned as well as a Japanese word (I can't spell that from memory).
Both of these are words that our language could do with.
I also mentioned 'inbow' which I made up for the inside of the elbow, & of course 'quiffing' was mentioned too. Both of these you could easily argue that English needs yet doesn't have a word for.
We keeping hearing about twerking, chillax, & even selfie. However none of those need a word imo, there's much greater needs elsewhere.
So, tell us what word the English language should adopt from another language, or what we do actually need a word for but haven't got one yet, & maybe the forum can invent one!