That's what it should have been in the first place. Too late now I fear. It would be quite revealing if he left - Pascoe would go with him, so would his gang of analysis geeks, and then who'd be left? Mike Marsh? Mike 'Yes boss' Marsh. That shows how painfully insecure he was when he arrived - he would not countenance anyone with any experience, any natural authority, any real coaching nous, to be around him. FSG should never have accepted that. You only grant that kind of power to a bona fide top manager, and it's significant that bona fide top managers aren't afraid to surround themselves with people good enough to hold the fort (at the very least) when they leave. If he goes now the entire infrastructure will have to be changed. It's that kind of hubris that angered me at the time and it still angers me now. A young manager who ought to have been grateful for the chance at a top club acted like he was a multi-title winning boss of all bosses.