See sunny you were called a wum only because of the hyperbole that could have been perceived in that post. I know what you meant in that post though, and most didn't think you were a wum,including myself (plus there was a history between you 2)
It is bizarre how it's got like this though, or is it just me?
Is it a powder keg that some people that some people can't wait to explode? Or something else?
I don't know. People appear very short termist and reactionary these days to me. I think in that post i said people would start moaning after six games, got slated for it, and they're moaning already ! Some seem to have a skewed view of where we currently exist as a club and what pull we have with players. There's a lot of understandable frustration though. We're still a massive globally supported club and the current status of our club seems to be continually declining and it hurts us all as we're simply not used it but unfortunately having to become used to it. And that hurts even moreso. The whole situation has been compounded by long term mismanagement and a pair of deceitful crooked cunts. Debt crises, top players leaving and still no stadium news. It's shite and the frustration is understandable. The continual moaning and whining helps no-one though. People know the situation and don't need posters going all Geoff Shreeves on them drumming the same fucking moany arses messages and opinions home again and again especially when it's served up with an I-know-better-than-you attitude. Vlads right, again. There is no quick fix. We're a tier two club now and we have to build to tier one first through some smart club and team management before those marquee players come. He's right that we're lucky to have a player of Suarez calibre still.
It's going to take a little time though and people need to suck it up and accept it. Bemoaning every slightest media player link or over analysing every sound bite with angst is just wrecking everyone's heads. If people don't have a little hope then you're watching the wrong sport or team and maybe they should disconnect themselves from it a bit. You love your team or you don't. You support them whether they win or lose and it's fair to criticise a bad performance. Every bad performance though is not the major crisis it's made out to be though so why people act like so is beyond me. And now we're getting all moany before a ball has been kicked. It's ridiculous. I sometimes think we should close the fucking forum down or at least turn it into somewhere where it's just a place to moan and gripe and fuck the football and Liverpool FC off.
Sorry if I'm being all 'extreme''. I'm really not, I'm just fed up of moaning cunts.