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I can understand themn trolling and gaining amusement from it.

I don't get this Rafa worship though. It's weird, obsessive and a bit mental.

Think if it as appreciation. I can't understand the lack of it by others. Shall I Whip out me King Lear and explain?
Ha ha christ. Is Rafa or Torres playing for Liverpool?

Did Liverpool win it?

Then why the fuck would I be happy.

I couldnt give a f*ck if Rafa never got another job. He's not our manager anymore so who the f*ck cares.
I don't think it's so much loyalty to Benitez as bitterness towards the LFC fans who wanted him out and eventually got their way. I wouldn't want to disclose my feelings about Chelsea's victory, though, because there's a risk that that might entail Larry Hagman disregarding my opinions from now on.

Uuuuh Rafa was so heavily supported by fans during his reign - far more than Kenny last year, or Houllier, ever was ...

As for 'getting their way,' you're being a revisionist as usual. He was fired because of his last year -

I've never seen a manager on ANY team get this kind of support (I don't mean singing his name in the stand - that's awesome, or even the sign - though he doesn't belong there, he's not in the upper echelon of our managers - which only shows how great we were once) after leaving his club

. Most of us, despite being upset, made peace with Daglish going. I don't see all these 'Let's hire Kenny - at least he has won the league a few times' posts etc ... It's over. Let him manage another top team. He did decent in the league with Chelsea and was excellent in Europe. That will suit City ...

I think we'd all rather have a manager who builds this team to win the league (if it's Rodgers, excellent. if it's someone else, bring him on) - Rafa isn't the man for that 'L' word ... and that's waht we need to focus on (Europe will come on that journey too).
So far I have;
Red Astaire
Jack D Rips

All Chelsea fans. Some I expected, some less so. Opinions on this site, from this point forward, now invalid (in Modo's case, no change there).

Couple of links for yous lads:


You obviously did not read my other thread about what I think about Chelsea fans.. Made up for Rafa not that plastic soulless shite of a football club.

Benitez 6 Champions League Qualifications out of 7

3 European trophies in 4 finals..

What did Jose do in Europe whilst managing in England?

I am made up for Rafa, I really am.. He deserved that after the shit those chav cunts have shovelled at him..

As for John Terry.. You epitomise the plastic soulless shite that is Chelsea FC..

I love the fact Rafa didn't mention the fans. If that was Liverpool.. He would of spread the love..

Are you a bitter in disguise? Certainly behaving like one.

Some links for you.. As I beleive you are on the wrong site..


You obviously did not read my other thread about what I think about Chelsea fans.. Made up for Rafa not that plastic soulless shite of a football club.

Are you bitters in disguise? Certainly behaving like one.

Some links for you.. As I beleive you are on the wrong site..



Chelsea are not a traditional rival but they've proven themselves to be particularly dislikeable in recent times. You'd be hard pressed to find many Liverpool fans that have any kind of sympathy for them much less be happy for them to win a trophy.

In this situation, your Benitez fandom is basically taking precedence over that. It seems like to me (and I'm guessing to others judging by responses in this thread) that the perception of Benitez is more important to you than Liverpool.

In fact, there is no "seems" about it. That's basically the bottom line here. And there is something not quite right about that.
He is also the Manager who's team has the highest goalscoring record in one CLICK match 8-0, if only his teams wern't so defensive.

Yes, because winning 8-0 was the norm, thanks for being revisionist. Houllier won by a few big scorelines too. He also drew and lost against shite teams, and apart from one season, flattered to deceive in the domestic one and struggled to really "get" it. Sound familiar? Probably not, because you can't see past the history rewriting you're hell bent on.
Funny debate.
Im with the Larry on this one.
Rafa leaves next week. Chelsea have a European title in the bag whilst we will finish 7th.
Nothing to celebrate. Like all players leaving id be lying if I said I didnt want a manager of a rival to fail.
Hes been treated like a cunt by Chelsea so there is an ounce of joy that this win will always stick in their craw because HE won it, but they still fucking won it.
Torres is still justifying leaving us with 2 European trophies, Fat Frank is still going to be remembered ahead of Gerrard because hes won every trophy, Terry still gets his mug on the telly holding a trophy.
I cant gain solace in the fact somoeone who loves liverpool more than them earned them that position.
Its a shit thing to happen.
Rafa should never have gone there.
Gerry, do me a favour mate, I couldn't give a fuck about what he wins elsewhere, yeah I'm glad he's shut up their dickhead fans, but the flip-side is they have something to celebrate too in the process, it's not about them catching up. They're a set of fans that are the most loathsome and least understanding of the game, and least deserving of it's fortunes, so excuse me if I don't join the party.

Anyone other club and I'd be more happy, but some of the gloating and celebrating is overboard, he's won it for THEM, I'm made up for his own personal oneupmanship on what he's had to endure, but that's about it, I'd contrast that significantly to some of the fist pumping going on on here tonight.

ANY other club? Really?
Also all this 'See Rafa shits trophies' stuff is a bit weird being as its his first trophy in 8 years of managing Liverpool, Inter and Chelsea.
Yeah, we finished 7th, where Rafa left us after spunking money on shite players that Rafa apologists like Modo continue to try to champion.

Rafa should have gone, because he spent enough and wasted enough trying to make us consistent challengers, but only managed to get close once in all his time here and ultimately set us back further in terms of domestic standing. Yeah he's great in Europe, we knew that already, but over 38 games in the league..
ANY other club? Really?

I said "happier", if he'd done a Kenny and went to somewhere like Blackburn and did it, then I'd probably be happier, but overall, nah. I can't really get excited other than a mild nod to the fact that he gave a fuck you to their idiot fans, but like I said earlier, the flipside is that they won something, so there's no real glee to be had, is there?
So you don't want him here, but you still want to dictate where he goes?

No. I think you've just answered your own question, why are you so happy that he's won something for them? Because that's the consequence. And I fail to see how any right minded Liverpool fan would be celebrating in the manner you, themn and a few other idiots did last night.
I said "happier", if he'd done a Kenny and went to somewhere like Blackburn and did it, then I'd probably be happier, but overall, nah. I can't really get excited other than a mild nod to the fact that he gave a fuck you to their idiot fans, but like I said earlier, the flipside is that they won something, so there's no real glee to be had, is there?

Even so, mate, there's no way on this planet that I will ever despise anybody more than the Mancs. I respectfully suggest that, when having a pop at Rafa leads to sensible Reds like you getting that out of focus, it's gone too far.
Even so, mate, there's no way on this planet that I will ever despise anybody more than the Mancs. I respectfully suggest that, when having a pop at Rafa leads to sensible Reds like you getting that out of focus, it's gone too far.

I thought it went without saying that when I said "anyone else", that would obviously exclude all the teams we hate, particularly them 😉
What I don't understand is why the Chelsea players didn't celebrate with their manager. AVB would never have stood for that.

I hate Chelsea but it's been so pleasurable watching them in a spiral of self loathing over Rafa. Now they understand the disgust everyone else feels about them generally. The winding up of my Chelsea mates since he took over has been just wonderful - absolutely no sense of humour about it.
Did anyone else think he looked a bit sheepish when he picked up the trophy?
I feel sorry for Benfica, who played better on the night, but happy for Rafa. I think his stint at Chelsea has been perfect - Chelsea fans and management showed their lack of class to the whole world by treating their manager without respect, which in turn made everybody feel for Benitez and praise him for his calmness under pressure and professionalism. Rafa is no saint, but the classless Chelsea made him look like one. Now with a trophy and a 3rd place finish, Rafa's reputation has been pretty much restored to where it was a few years back. A team like Napoli, PSG or Milan will seriously consider him now.

Yes, it's a minor inconvenience that Chelsea got a trophy, but if you're not good enough to win all the trophies yourself, then it's just a fact of life they will be won by your rivals. Yes, this year United are the once again Champions of England and Chelsea are the CL and Europa League holders. So what? We will still support our team and hopefully we'll be able to challenge them for those trophies soon.
Chelsea are not a traditional rival but they've proven themselves to be particularly dislikeable in recent times. You'd be hard pressed to find many Liverpool fans that have any kind of sympathy for them much less be happy for them to win a trophy.

In this situation, your Benitez fandom is basically taking precedence over that. It seems like to me (and I'm guessing to others judging by responses in this thread) that the perception of Benitez is more important to you than Liverpool.

In fact, there is no "seems" about it. That's basically the bottom line here. And there is something not quite right about that.

I support the manager, he was the best manager this club have had in the last 20 years.. And I have had some of the finest memories supporting this club thanks to him.. He is Liverpool through and through.

He took the job to get himself back on the map under the most ridiculous of circumstances.. I love the fact he has proved just about every hater and doubter wrong..

Rafa before Liverpool, not a chance, it's a about giving a person respect where respect is due..
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