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Racist Dembele

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You see, i don't normally respond to things like that but you've been behaving like a sniveling little coward stalking me around the forum liking every post that disagree with mine, without having the courage to tell me directly, and now you're suddenly all so big hiding behind someone else.

I knew you were an ungrateful little git when you were dropping me DMs asking me to teach you about crypto.

You see, i don't normally respond to things like that but you've been behaving like a sniveling little coward stalking me around the forum liking every post that disagree with mine, without having the courage to tell me directly, and now you're suddenly all so big hiding behind someone else.

I knew you were an ungrateful little git when you were dropping me DMs asking me to teach you about crypto.


You are the one getting all personal because disagreed with your post.

It’s fine if you disagree with my post pointing all personal like a child says more about you.
This is nothing to do with anything else or cryptos, grow up you small minded twit.
The fact you track likes is pure you.
You are the pure embodyment free speech, it’s all good when it suits you but when someone disagrees, you resort to this like a tiny keyboard warrior coward.
No-one knows what “woke” means - particularly the people who constantly bang on about people being woke.

Gets even funnier when you ask people to explain the opposite of woke.
You are the one getting all personal because disagreed with your post.

It’s fine if you disagree with my post pointing all personal like a child says more about you.
This is nothing to do with anything else or cryptos, grow up you small minded twit.
You are the pure embodyment free speech, it’s all good when it suits you but when someone disagrees, you resort to this like a tiny keyboard warrior coward.

Fine example you are too.
Have you read any of rubans post ? You're telling me his posts make more sense than mine ?

I have to admit though, english isn't my first language and it does take a little longer for me to present my points across. I may not have the patience to be more coherent like others but the points are all there and if you'd take off your bias (you've never liked me from day 1 anyway), and try to read between the lines, you'd know what i was trying to say.

Ok the minion bit was cringe but i still stick to my points, similar to many who have posted on this thread too, and have said it far better than me.
I fully appreciate that English isn't your first language, which is why it's so achingly obvious when you plagiarise other people's words. What's more, your post was in response to an Asian person sharing their experience of racism in a thread about racism towards Asians, and you sought to belittle them and invalidate their experience while simultaneously demonstrating your own ignorance on the subject. I don't have it in for you - I'm just holding you to account for a shit post.
No-one knows what “woke” means - particularly the people who constantly bang on about people being woke.

Gets even funnier when you ask people to explain the opposite of woke.

Hey just cos English isn't my first language doesnt mean i plagiarise others. That's a bit harsh no ?

How did i belittle Asians ? LOL

Mate, i AM asian and you may not have to believe me when i say this, but i do know what racism is, from firsthand experience. Especially when i was living in the UK.

And admittedly, my points were incoherent and honestly, i don't have the patience to write long posts to explain them because what you write in seconds, i take minutes. And then i think whats the point anyway...it won't achieve anything nor win any war. Racism is still gonna be around and we asians generally adapt and respond in different ways, like excel in education, business, etc. You'll never see asians take a knee on a football field for example. It's just not us. If you come live in Asia for a bit, racism over here takes various forms and is very different than what's experienced in the west, so yes, i do know what i'm talking about. Thank you very much.

Some things are just hard to explain and is best to experience yourself.

Plus, can't we all just stick to football and be nice to each other for a change ? The pandemic hasn't affected you enough ?
It's just another term for political correctness warped over time.

Okay, but what's political correctness?

Again, a bullshit generic label that people are going to interpret in myriad ways.

Let's fuck the labels off and start calling out the specifics, so we all know what people are on about. Is it someone getting their knickers in a twist because they got called he or she instead of they, is it people crying "cultural appropriation" because someone wore a kimono, is it people saying "Y'know, maybe we shouldn't shout and spit at vaguely Chinese-looking people in the street" or is it people saying things like there are endemic barriers that amount to institutional racism that prevent equality of opportunity...because when we talk about the specifics we can discuss each thing on its own merit and call it out for being bullshit, or call the person lambasting it out for being racist/sexist/whatever, and there's none of this hiding behind bullshit names and labels.

It's just bullshit posturing otherwise. Being 'anti-woke' is every bit as much virtue signalling as being 'woke' and they're both a bunch of cunts in my book
Don’t want you to consider this as a personal retort so let’s be civil. But it’s just not true to say Asians are against the gesture. Asians have taken the knee:

Also, my friend runs Khalsa football team and they have also taken the knee since England team having been booed by some of the fans.
It’s each to their own but opinion the gesture is divided and not a uniformal no.
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You see, i don't normally respond to things like that but you've been behaving like a sniveling little coward stalking me around the forum liking every post that disagree with mine, without having the courage to tell me directly, and now you're suddenly all so big hiding behind someone else.

I knew you were an ungrateful little git when you were dropping me DMs asking me to teach you about crypto.


Let's disagree without personal attacks please sir.

Personally, I find myself agreeing with @singlerider in this thread a lot - especially about 'terms' ...
Okay, but what's political correctness?

Again, a bullshit generic label that people are going to interpret in myriad ways.

Let's fuck the labels off and start calling out the specifics, so we all know what people are on about. Is it someone getting their knickers in a twist because they got called he or she instead of they, is it people crying "cultural appropriation" because someone wore a kimono, is it people saying "Y'know, maybe we shouldn't shout and spit at vaguely Chinese-looking people in the street" or is it people saying things like there are endemic barriers that amount to institutional racism that prevent equality of opportunity...because when we talk about the specifics we can discuss each thing on its own merit and call it out for being bullshit, or call the person lambasting it out for being racist/sexist/whatever, and there's none of this hiding behind bullshit names and labels.

It's just bullshit posturing otherwise. Being 'anti-woke' is every bit as much virtue signalling as being 'woke' and they're both a bunch of cunts in my book

The specifics are not rocket science here. Dembele wanted to insult the staff to make Griezmann laugh, banter. The go to insult which came to his mind was to use their nationality and race to isolate some form of difference to then mock them over. It was to manufacture a reason to laugh at them. He doesn't literally think their technology or their language is inferior. He doesn't literally hate them or have any malicious intent toward them. He isn't discriminating against them or oppressing them. It was a joke. The joke was offensive. That was the point. If it wasn't offensive, then it would no longer be a joke.

I find it embarrassing to observe the subsequent narrative about oh oh my god, how can Dembele hold such views, he needs to be educated, he should apologise, aaaaaaaaaahh wah wah wah, wacism. How this happens every time in every incident, it's grating as fuck. Firstly, nobody should care less what views Dembele holds. Why even waste my time bringing it to my attention? Who literally gives a fuck, what difference does it make to them? Secondly, words fail me, that joke provides no information and no insight at all about their views. None. They are not discussing their views. They're not accessing their views from the part of their brain where their views on Asian people reside. They are accessing the part that scripts offensive jokes. How can people be so incredibly thick to not see that? Or not even understand how brains work anymore? Either they are just that thick that they can no longer correlate words, intentions and actions in a coherent or correct way. Some sort of mental defect in their comprehension. Or they know exactly what it is but want to manufacture the outrage. Either way, they should die for their insulting disregard for reality. People that interpret reality in such a retarded way should be executed, I'm talking a good 40% of the western world by the looks of it. They are of no worth. Zero worth. A burden upon the resources of the planet and that's just facts.
That's what i was trying to tell everyone the whole time !! About the bloody hypocrisy of these 'terms' ...grrr

But it hasn't been easy to just brush these 'terms' off, has it ? They've evolved through time and society hasn't changed much. Just wait and see, in a few years time, it won't be woke anymore but replaced with another hipster term fitted for the next gen. And we'll still be discussing the same sh*t.

If we think it's that simple as to calling a spade a spade, then why haven't we bloody solved the puzzle yet ?? In someone's turf, something may be construed as a racist remark, but the right-wing PC brigade may call you out for being a snowflake, and the self-righteous leftists may call for a protest. So what gives ?

What is the absolute that we judge these things on ? Majority opinion ? Cultural context ?

We talk about equality all the time, and yet whenever we disagree with a way of thinking, we call them out for being shit. Isn't equality all about tackling discrimination without freezing, shaming or excluding groups with differing worldviews ?? But where do we even draw the line as to what constitutes as discrimination ?? See my point ?

That's why i said earlier, come over to Asia and live here for a bit, and you'll soon realize that racism, wokeness, PC, and whatever term's used, are all predominantly western ideologies - that you'll soon find, albeit shockingly at times, do not carry much weight around these parts. Racism is rife here but it's merged with a whole lot of other complex issues too and isn't as black and white as you'd like.
This is a shit read.

Though I did enjoy someone getting criticised for liking posts that disagree with someone elses.
Almost as good as that time someone posted green smilies in quotes every time someone had a go at DB
Only 40% ? Mwah ha ha ha !

Ah good... Dantes has his own Final Solution in the works.... “oven ready” you could almost say.

May as well enjoy my final days of freedom - I’m sure I’ll be on the list.... not the good one that gets you a Spielberg film... the other one that ends up on a wall somewhere.
Ah good... Dantes has his own Final Solution in the works.... “oven ready” you could almost say.

May as well enjoy my final days of freedom - I’m sure I’ll be on the list.... not the good one that gets you a Spielberg film... the other one that ends up on a wall somewhere.

What final days of freedom? You're back in lockdown, so you don't even have that anymore. The only enjoyment there will be is me reading the pain you've endured with each new woke movie you foolishly decide to watch during your confinement.
I find it interesting that this thread, having minimal footie content, remains on the footie forum; but suggesting masks are useless, mRNA experimental medical treatment is lethal shite, or that bad people are trying to reshape society world-wide, get howls of outrage, cries of 'not the right place', and are promptly whisked off to nether regions.

Just sayin' like ...
What final days of freedom? You're back in lockdown, so you don't even have that anymore. The only enjoyment there will be is me reading the pain you've endured with each new woke movie you foolishly decide to watch during your confinement.

That’s Sydney.

I’m in Melbourne.

I was at a winery eating dessert pizza at the weekend - it was delicious - keep up you loveable crazy loon.

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