.....anndddd just like that.....6CM has gone all woke....again.
We need an asian Wilberforce, i'll happily vote and donate to his campaign. He can do all my championing, cos honestly, i'm quite tired of these never-ending arguments. When will mankind ever learn that social justice, historically, if it's retributive in nature, have rarely ever ended well ? Why can't social justice, which oftentimes is really a trojan horse for socialism, learn to adopt the redemptive stance ? Do you know why this so bleeding hard ?
Because how could you when you've got the supposedly purveyors and defenders of social justice for example, the United Nations spouting diatribe like this - "Present-day believers in an absolute truth identified with virtue and justice are neither willing nor desirable companions for the defenders of social justice."
Free speech is good right unless it hurts certain groups, and so the social justice woke card is gestured broadly at everything again. Racism, LGBT, blahhhhhh
Hey, what about my heterosexual rights then ? Or what if i'm a yellow, short minion with a tiny penis (i'm not really) ?? Where are my rights then ?
Talk bout all lives matter, but then you go home and beat your own wife and cuss your own mom. Give me an effing break.