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Racist Dembele

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Let me guess Gov A is led by Trump?
Not sure if you know, theres already another lengthy thread in General forum related to this.
**** Spoiler alert - he lost ****

Yes, and yet, somehow, to my utter shock, racism did not cease to exist upon his fraudulent defeat. Incredible. I don't understand it. Oh well, was worth a shot.
Yes, and yet, somehow, to my utter shock, racism did not cease to exist upon his fraudulent defeat. Incredible. I don't understand it. Oh well, was worth a shot.

That’s because he didn’t lose because he was a racist, he was just shit at his job over the 4yrs surrounded by a team of morons.
Same people put him there regardless of race, had enough of him. Same way Obama didn’t get two terms because he was mixed race.
Anyway, let’s keep it offline on the General forum.
I'm not sure the "You know, we really were rather awful to those chaps" argument is totally valid (definitely a little bit, but not 100%), given we probably fucked India just as hard and actually didn't ban slavery in India until about 30 years after banning it elsewhere.

Sure, maybe the sheer numbers are not as extreme as with the African slaves, but not forgetting that it was raping India and taking its treasures that truly made the Empire what it was...India was deffo the 'jewel in the crown' (figuratively as well as literally)
Definitely single. We absolutely bled India dry, not to mention committing what amounts to mass genocide by creating the conditions for the Bengal famine and then standing by as millions died. This is the risk one runs when highlighting injustice - there will always be other injustices that are equally deserving of mention and I certainly don't mean to detract from one by talking about another.
But on the plus side you've given workers all over the world days off to celebrate their independence from Britain.
It's a constant in the media is probably a large reason.
Plenty of black and mixed heritage people in media, sport, music, films and general popular culture for decades.
If the England team had been full of players whose families hailed from the sub continent or far east and they got shit in the papers daily and they spoke out against it, it would be mentioned much more often.

Plenty of films and books popular in the modern western culture that highlight the horrific nature of the racism against blacks around slavery and the fight for civil liberties etc, also plenty of books and films well known to highlight the atrocities committed against the Jewish population and the holocaust. Not much talked about the tens of millions (or more) killed by Stalin, or those starved elsewhere. Heck, lots of y'all probably learnt about Mujahid Taliban cos Rambo went over there and killed some Soviets.

On top of that there are plenty of well known people who championed against that shit be it from Malcolm to Martin and now after Kapernick sports stars are like well we can and should say something about this.
.....anndddd just like that.....6CM has gone all woke....again.

We need an asian Wilberforce, i'll happily vote and donate to his campaign. He can do all my championing, cos honestly, i'm quite tired of these never-ending arguments. When will mankind ever learn that social justice, historically, if it's retributive in nature, have rarely ever ended well ? Why can't social justice, which oftentimes is really a trojan horse for socialism, learn to adopt the redemptive stance ? Do you know why this so bleeding hard ?

Because how could you when you've got the supposedly purveyors and defenders of social justice for example, the United Nations spouting diatribe like this - "Present-day believers in an absolute truth identified with virtue and justice are neither willing nor desirable companions for the defenders of social justice."

Free speech is good right unless it hurts certain groups, and so the social justice woke card is gestured broadly at everything again. Racism, LGBT, blahhhhhh

Hey, what about my heterosexual rights then ? Or what if i'm a yellow, short minion with a tiny penis (i'm not really) ?? Where are my rights then ?

Talk bout all lives matter, but then you go home and beat your own wife and cuss your own mom. Give me an effing break.
Why is it that people who whine about defending free speech and now “woke” get so angry about someone taking the knee?
It’s always a case of my version of free speech is more important than someone else’s right to disagee or express they are offended/disagree.

You can keep your free speech as long as you don’t mind someone else right express their view to say you are talking shite. Free speech without chance to reply is BS.
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Why is it that people who whine about defending free speech and now “woke” get so angry about someone taking the knee?
It’s always a case of my version of free speech is more important than someone else’s right to disagee or express they are offended/disagree.

You can keep your free speech as long as you don’t mind someone’s express their view to say you are talking shite. Free speech without chance to reply is BS.

In the past, exercising your free speech about a matter of opinion was no problem, because it's inconsequential. On the other hand, exercising it on a matter of irrefutable fact was also fine, because you're free to make yourself look like a wrong idiot. The difference today is the lack of irrefutable fact, which has arisen due to the lack of intelligence. Therefore nobody can find anything out for certain anymore, so they end up hating each other for their opinions because that is all they have, because they're all thick morons. I again say fuck them, they're too thick or too woke or too racist or too whatever to bother finding something out, so fuck them. Hope they end up hating each other so much that they end up killing each other. I for one will love to see it.
Take a knee, turn from the flag, curse out your opponents, blame Trump, support Everton - I have zero issues with any of that from a free speech point of view. None.

What I have issue with is when powerful social justice supporting billionaires manipulate that free speech into a platform used to control other people, get them fired, shut down their own ability speak freely, deny them tenure or admission. That is what is happening because of Wokeness (the institutional version, not the individual one). Using sins from hundreds of years ago as teaching opportunities? Definitely. As cudgels to beat opponents into submission? Nope.
The CEO of Rakuten, I think Barcelona's main sponsor, Hiroshi Mikitani, unhappy with Barcelona.

“As a sponsor of the club and organiser of this tournament, I am really sorry that the Barcelona players made discriminatory remarks. Especially as Rakuten has approved of the Barcelona philosophy and is a sponsor of the club, these sorts of remarks are unacceptable in all circumstances and we will protest officially against the club, as we wait to hear their position on the matter.”

Racism against Asians isn't frowned upon so much, because historically, Asians haven't done too badly in other countries. We haven't been enslaved en masse, or belonged to a economically disadvantaged class and policemen do not brutalize us as much as black people (being too tiny to be intimidating helps).

On another note, obviously I don't like being discriminated against, but there's the kind of racism that is Dembele making fun of you, and there's the kind of racism that is a policeman kneeling on your neck, or bashing up grandmothers in the street. And there's the racism that involves genocide, war and murder. There are levels to this.

Then there's being 'woke' which frankly, most Asians do not identify, and cannot truly empathize with, because we belong to a different context. But why does being anti-racist have to get mixed up with this woke / anti-woke nonsense? Is it right or wrong to be racist? I think we can all answer that.

Feel free to be 'anti-woke' (whatever that is), but some people are just hiding behind an 'anti-woke' agenda to be racist, and that's not right.
The average person is likely so confused about race right now. Good people who have been trying their whole lives to raise good kids, do their jobs, provide for their families, help out neighbors, and find a way to retire, are being screamed at from all sides of the media and their federal government that they are now racists. While it's entirely possible that people have gone throughout their lives harboring some kind of bias towards other groups of people, for the most part those are not manifested in any sort of outward behavior.

So they wonder how they could be racists simply because they were born a certain color.

Then they read about "wokeness". And the only people defending regular folks who have never engaged in identity politics are bashing "wokeness". So they naturally think, "Yeah, wokeness sucks because woke people are telling me I'm a racist and I've never been a racist in my whole life."

This is what happens when the billionaires trying to aggregate more power and control over regular people get involved. Oh, and government. And Man City.
Billionaires have been controlling naratives over people since long as anyone can remember.
They don’t just control social policies as they see fit though, they also fund candidates such as Trump and Clintons. Pay for Boris and latest wife’s sofa, run media multinationals and dictate a way of thinking and some just blatently back political campaigns such as Brexit in the case of Aaron Banks. It works on both sides and at times people have to do a bit more then just pick up the Mail, overdose on Murdoch news and hitting like which ever influencer posts fed by Social Media.
Like, maybe, ask a teacher in school? The same teacher who has been a card carrying member of one political ideology and is committed to spreading that ideology in the classroom?

Or, perhaps, the "experts"? Whose research is funded by all the same billionaires and governments who now decide how we are permitted to live and socialize?

Or, regrettably, organizations like Black Lives Matter, Inc.? Whose actual work fails the very people whose lives they swear they want to improve, and whose leaders love money and houses just like every other avowed communist?

See, there is no one to ask, no one to trust anymore. So people tribalize. They rely on the things they were taught as kids, to hell with the world. They only trust their own tribes. This leads nowhere good, although I suspect all the powers that be know this perfectly well and are glad about it.
Racism against Asians isn't frowned upon so much, because historically, Asians haven't done too badly in other countries. We haven't been enslaved en masse, or belonged to a economically disadvantaged class and policemen do not brutalize us as much as black people (being too tiny to be intimidating helps).

Seriously ? I don't even know where to begin.

The plight of asians throughout US or even western history ? The slave trade and trafficking of Asians by the British Empire ? Or did you think East India Company for e.g. only enslaved Africans ? The colonisation of asians by western imperialists ?

The heightened anti-asian violence in Canada, Europe and even Australia since the pandemic began ?

Dude, no offense but which nice, little, protective cave have you been living in ?

I get what you were saying in your earlier post and i agree to a certain extent too but let's not make a sweeping statement without having a broader understanding of a very complex topic. Just cos you haven't read or heard about something doesn't mean it isn't happening.

Asians, historically and generally, i think, have simply learned to cope, adapt and react differently. Until wokeness culture appeared, and you begin to hear more people speaking up now. But 20+ years ago, it was all about political correctness. 30-40 years prior to that, the hippies were doing their BLM equivalent with their anti-vietnam war protests. Have much changed ? If we go back further, it wont be difficult to find the 'progenitors' of today's 'woke'.

So there's nothing really new under The Lying Rag. History's just repeating itself over and over again, but with a different disguise tis all.

But imo, racism isn't the real enemy. Virtue signalers are. They are the worst kind.
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The progenitors of 'woke' were students in the US university system, who were brainwashed into being socialists by their professors.

At the same time a bunch of greedy cunts like Dawkins and Lawrence Krauss and Degrasse Tyson (who all turned out later to be rapists), but at that time they were treated like gods and got rich going on speaking book tours about atheism. The socialist students lapped all that up, handed over their monies like brainless fools, and in return they weaponised science in order to use atheism to attack their capitalist enemies. The capitalists were older and far wiser than the thick spotty students, but they had the retarded flaw of being bible bashing god worshippers. So that's how it started. Socialists using atheism as an effective means of gaining intellectual superiority over their wealthier overlords. Like diseased vermin, they got hooked on that tool, saw that it worked, and then spread out from atheism into other issues. They termed that "atheism plus", as in "I'm an atheist plus a feminist", or "I'm an atheist plus a vegan" then went on fucking crusades against everyone else who wasn't. Then that quickly became what is now called woke.

I told you to kill all those academics at the time, a decade ago, but nobody listened. Now look at what these rapey bastards have done.
The ratio in engineering may have been far higher than 1.6, but for a series of possible tragic accidents that may or may not have happened and may or may not have had the effect of rebalancing the numbers.
.....anndddd just like that.....6CM has gone all woke....again.

We need an asian Wilberforce, i'll happily vote and donate to his campaign. He can do all my championing, cos honestly, i'm quite tired of these never-ending arguments. When will mankind ever learn that social justice, historically, if it's retributive in nature, have rarely ever ended well ? Why can't social justice, which oftentimes is really a trojan horse for socialism, learn to adopt the redemptive stance ? Do you know why this so bleeding hard ?

Because how could you when you've got the supposedly purveyors and defenders of social justice for example, the United Nations spouting diatribe like this - "Present-day believers in an absolute truth identified with virtue and justice are neither willing nor desirable companions for the defenders of social justice."

Free speech is good right unless it hurts certain groups, and so the social justice woke card is gestured broadly at everything again. Racism, LGBT, blahhhhhh

Hey, what about my heterosexual rights then ? Or what if i'm a yellow, short minion with a tiny penis (i'm not really) ?? Where are my rights then ?

Talk bout all lives matter, but then you go home and beat your own wife and cuss your own mom. Give me an effing break.
What the fuck are you on about? Seriously, what an absolute car crash of a post. It's like you did a bit of Googling on the subject and cobbled something together from the first few hits. What you've ended up with is a collection of garbled, meaningless sentences which don't relate to anything anyone has said.
Have you read any of rubans post ? You're telling me his posts make more sense than mine ?

I have to admit though, english isn't my first language and it does take a little longer for me to present my points across. I may not have the patience to be more coherent like others but the points are all there and if you'd take off your bias (you've never liked me from day 1 anyway), and try to read between the lines, you'd know what i was trying to say.

Ok the minion bit was cringe but i still stick to my points, similar to many who have posted on this thread too, and have said it far better than me.
Have you read any of rubans post ? You're telling me his posts make more sense than mine ?

I have to admit though, english isn't my first language and it does take a little longer for me to present my points across. I may not have the patience to be more coherent like others but the points are all there and if you'd take off your bias (you've never liked me from day 1 anyway), and try to read between the lines, you'd know what i was trying to say.

Ok the minion bit was cringe but i still stick to my points, similar to many who have posted on this thread too, and have said it far better than me.

Lol, you bring me in to justify your own incompetence?

If you haven’t the mental fortitude to understand a post then that’s your issue.
Your post on other hand, well wow.
It’s nowt to do with English, it’s just the biggest excuse to fix fuck all ever, let’s move on...
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Can we just ban the word 'woke' from this thread (and 6CM in general) it's fucking meaningless, infantile and contributes absolutely nothing to the conversation.

Does anyone actually know what 'woke' really is?

I don't, and I suspect pretty much everyone has a completely different definition; if we used our own personal description of what is we're either for/against rather than applying that stupid, ridiculous label, then at least we'd all know exactly what is the person is on about instead of jumping to assumptions and creating a strawman in our minds, cos half the time I haven't got a fucking clue exactly what it is people are railing against...
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