Interested to see how confident everyone is about our last match, as we've had a recent history of shitting the bed, and this season have had struggles against the muggles. What do we reckon?
My cards went to four games in a row, Spurs, Arsenal, Everton and Burnley.This thread will have the superstitious turning in their graves ... even if they're not dead.
I'll be there, and my record this season is 100% (6-1 vs Watford), so am very relaxed & confident
(If anyone read this before I edited, please know I am deeply embarrassed by my inexcusable misuse of "their", if you are a post-edit reader then ignore this)
Jinxy fucking thread is jinxy. Please delete thread.
Shove your jinx theories up your arse. Like anything I put on the internet has any effect on what happens on Sunday.
I think Everton will do us the favour, and we'll have to live with that disgusting shame for years to come.
You fool, did you never watch Sliders? Everything that can happen will happen on Sunday, and your jinx will now have an effect upon which of those possibilities gets pulled out of the hat. You've almost certainly damned us all to your fate with that post.
What are the current betting odds?
This is definitely one of those games where it's worth putting a decent sum on our opponents to limit the emotional damage if we lose.