I always find it amazing that people on social media spout their own opinion on what should be done without basing it on any scientific/medical research.London will go into lockdown in a couple of weeks, if not sooner.. no coincidence we are hearing infection cases from Arsenal and Chelsea
It's seeing the worse of cases in the UK, and its going to get far far worse
I don't understand why the government is not encouraging social distancing, banning public transport, closing schools, etc etc.. London will be a pandemics dream with this virus at the moment.. The current situation will see the NHS fall on its arse, years of austerity will be shown right up with this..
It's almost as if they are encouraging the virus to spread, let it take its course, attempt build a immunity to it..
All other countries are now taking drastic action, just typical of the UK to think they know better..
His take it on the chin and we are going to see loved ones die comments says it all for me. Economy before public health..
It's also no surprise that most people don't understand why - I didn't either until reading the statement from the CMO on the reasons behind not following the herd, which makes good sense when thought through. There is a very good explanation that is the result of the UK Govts. research preparedness for a Flu Pandemic (2011) given yesterday by the UK's CMO. :https://www.gov.uk/guidance/pandemic-flu#pandemic-flu-plans
Basically, as the Chief Medical Officer stated yesterday, you must also consider the knock-on effect of closing schools and preventing large scale meetings. Which include that the people attending such meetings who are infected (and will likely transmit the virus to between 2 and 4 people regardless of environment) will just go somewhere else and spread the virus there.
Closing schools etc. means parents staying at home to look after the children, and not going to work and ensuring manufacturing and supply chains remain open, will have a knock-on effect which will lead to the lack of medical & other essential supplies which will kill people in other areas. So not so simple as Jono seems to think but actually very complicated.
I don't see why the UK would not follow the advice of their own medical/scientific specialists rather than headlessly follow what other countries (that may not have conducted similar research) are doing. Either way the correct strategy has not yet been proven.
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