Am I the only one who feels that way about all of this? I don't know whether I've just hit a low last season and I now feel like things can surely only get better (even though I know they could actually get horribly worse), but I just feel a bit 'meh' about it all.
There's no standout candidate to get het-up over losing out on, everyone carries their own risks (as they often do, but moreso).
Perhaps this is how you start to feel on the managerial merry-go-round, when you've changed managers a few times in quick succession. I'll probably stop myself giving a shit about the next manager and stop bothering to defend him, knowing the inevitable will probably happen anyway. He'll get slated alot, whatever standards he reaches won't be enough, and we'll be here again, sooner or later.
I don't actually feel down about it all btw, I'm still excited for the new season, simply because it'll be new, with new players to temporarily get excited about and we'll have a new leadership in place with different ideals to the last one.
But anyway, *shruggs*.
There's no standout candidate to get het-up over losing out on, everyone carries their own risks (as they often do, but moreso).
Perhaps this is how you start to feel on the managerial merry-go-round, when you've changed managers a few times in quick succession. I'll probably stop myself giving a shit about the next manager and stop bothering to defend him, knowing the inevitable will probably happen anyway. He'll get slated alot, whatever standards he reaches won't be enough, and we'll be here again, sooner or later.
I don't actually feel down about it all btw, I'm still excited for the new season, simply because it'll be new, with new players to temporarily get excited about and we'll have a new leadership in place with different ideals to the last one.
But anyway, *shruggs*.