I know this is a tad childish but whenever I meet Scousers, which is not very often I should add, I cannot resist the urge to bring up the subject of football and if they are interested in same. if the answer is affirmative then inevitably the next question is always "Red or Blue".
If the answer is blue then I usually mumble something along the lines of "Sorry for your troubles" and carry on as normal.
If the answer is "Red" well then I am off on a big discussion on LFC.
It is usually totally out of context with our meeting in the first place, often occuring through work, but I just cant help myself.
Any other of us OOT'S similarly afflicted?
If the answer is blue then I usually mumble something along the lines of "Sorry for your troubles" and carry on as normal.
If the answer is "Red" well then I am off on a big discussion on LFC.
It is usually totally out of context with our meeting in the first place, often occuring through work, but I just cant help myself.
Any other of us OOT'S similarly afflicted?