but he does. The issue isn't that, because he does, he's a winner and fights tooth and nail to get there, what people continue to overlook is that cheating is rife throughout the game in many other different aspects - no one seems to mention the fact that United have intimidated officials for years and had a ridiculous amount of injury time added onto their games in comparison to everyone else. He's not the only diver in the game, look at Bale, Ronaldo and Nani. So it's all a load of hypocritical bollocks when you hear Fergie getting all high and mighty about other clubs getting the rub of the green, and the media continuously singling out Luis.
I see he wants the FA to block some ex players move to Spurs from Standard Leige. They don't even own the fucking guy any more!
But thats my point. We do mention all this shit and we condone it all the time. But when Luis is in the middle we look for all kind of excuses to why it is so. it buggers me.
- He did nothing wrong according to the rules!
- He is a winner and will do anything to win,. thats why we love him!
- Its the refs job to see it, and if he dont blow the whistle its okay.
- Its his Latino background, they had to fight to survive!!
- Look at all others who get away with it!
- Etc Etc
I agree with all those. I just wish it didnt happen. I just wish we stood for something else than those hapless cunts that need help from the referee every fucking time they are in deep water. You could say all those things above about a lot of People. Even Lance Fucking Armstrong did everything to win! Will we salut Fergie next time he goes bananas over a ref, that he has done nothing wrong according to some rules, and it is just because he is a winner? No we wont. And we shouldnt. We should point out what a fucking dickhead he is every fucking time he steps over the line. Next time Nani cries at Anfield, is it ok due to his latino background? The fuck it is. It is fucking pathetic, and should be pointed to him and his followers the rest of his fucking career!
I am Luis biggest fan, but I did not feel good about the game yesterday. I will get over it easy, and it is no big deal, but seeing people here searching the internet for any evidence or opinion to defend or condone him shows that it is something well worth looking at.. Do we want to be different? I do, and thats why I feel bad about yesterdays shit. Because it damaged the weak part in this case. If it was a Rio ferdinand that had spent the best part of the game commiting bookable offences against Suarez without the ref caring at all, I would have thought it was what he deserved. But these guys are hard working amateurs, and they should be treathed with a different kind of respect for their hard work ethics, and I feel bad that this happened to them.