the same people had no problem whatsoever with the demands owen was placing on the club when I would have fucked him off and made a fortune on him. marvelous, allow a player to drag their heels, allow a player to dictate terms because we're fucked without them, the laughable thing was he left for a pittence ANYWAY because the club were scared to put their foot down.
you don't conceed to player demands, you open that door you aren't ever going to be able to close it. so, I couldn't give a flying fuck who agrees with me (never have to be honest) masher's contract negotiations should stop at the player himself, if he wants to put demands on the club and the manager then he should be fucked off.
you don't conceed to player demands, you open that door you aren't ever going to be able to close it. so, I couldn't give a flying fuck who agrees with me (never have to be honest) masher's contract negotiations should stop at the player himself, if he wants to put demands on the club and the manager then he should be fucked off.