not sure this has been posted already
Is Purslow tryin to shut down a Liverpool forum? By Antoine Zammit (Other posts by Antoine Zammit)
Twitter is ablaze with Tweets such as these.
“Just been told that RAWK has been threatened with legal action over letter-writing campaigns by Purslow‘s lawyersâ€
“did you know Purslow has engaged lawyers to try and shut down a Liverpool fans’ forum? Incredible.â€
I tried contacting R.A.W.K. with no avail but as I dug deeper I found this posting on the forum.;topicseen#msg7082494
“Christian Purslow has as much right to privacy as any one else. RAWK acts to protect the privacy of any user, individual or company, if the moderating team feel that private information has been made public on this forum.
We regularly monitor the site via a number of volunteers, and we have a forum code of conduct with regards to what can and cannot be posted on the site. Those rules and regulations are widely available on the site. In light of this recent incident we’ve decided to placed to place reminders onthe forum to encourage our 30,000+ members of these policies. We believe we have acted sensibly and in a timely manner.
However, I have got links to scores of websites that have Christian Purslow’s personal details on public display.
I’ve got his home address.
I’ve got his date and place of birth.
I’ve got a list of companies he is associated with.
I’ve got his office phone number and address.
I know the names and addresses of the people that he associates with at those companies.
I know how many shares he owns in a number of these companies.
I know which accountancy firms act for him.
I know a fair bit else too.
I know which firm of lawyers act on his behalf.
Everything except that last point is in the public domain and is a matter of record. In many of those cases there is nothing that Christian Purslow or his highly paid lawyers can do about those records. All you need to do is use Google. Then add pieces of information together and Google again. And again.
It’s jolly tempting to post all of the links in one bullet proof, lawyer checked, publicly unchallengeable post.
But not today.
In words and actions Christian Purslow has demonstrated his lack of credibility to act as Managing Director of Liverpool Football Club.
This whole sorry thread is one that can come to an end right here. Usethe other threads to keep the pressure on the club, the owners, thebanks, the Premiership.
Mr Purslow – this bit’s for you – it’s time for you to pack up and head home. We’re all as sick and tired of you as you are of us.â€
I am sure we will hear more about this over the next few days but if it is true it is very concerning that the M.D. of our club would resort to this.
I wonder who will pick up the lawyer fee?