Ryan said:
I thought things like that only ever happend to Adrian Mole and David Brent.
What sort of bumbling fools are you lot?
I wish I could be more like you Ryan, gliding through life, so effortlessly funny, so suave, in a super-human state of quasi perfection, no flaws, no errors, no mishaps, just lines and lines of comic genuis, dripping with wit and satire, from every angle as you admire your rugged stubble in the mirror, flex your muscles and wink at the stunning barmaids.
On the other hand could simpy be a bored, unkempt, unremarkable irishman in his late twentys, running an internet forum in his (spare) time, with a stack of hideous debt, a missus the other side of the world, and a leg so fucked up even taking a shit is deemed virtually unachievable.