'Okay look, we're doing a new training programme today okay! We start-ed this in Swansea and now we'll do it here okay? Its one thing to remember. You run. Thats it okay? You run, and then you pass. Okay. And thats it. You do that for the support-hers okay. You run, and you pass. And when you get in, boom you do that okay? for the support-hers okay. Boom then move, sideways, you run, pass, stop okay, thats it boom boom drop in, drop out, snappy okay? For you, for me, for the support-hers okay? Ster-ling! I heard what you said just there okay! Thats it okay boom pass, Sterling *does im watching you sign* RIGHT good session, right!'
*to assistant*
'bring Ster-ling to my room okay. Oil him'
*to assistant*
'bring Ster-ling to my room okay. Oil him'