Something doesn't sit right with the whole thing.
Dirk did a speech at the Hillsborough Memorial a while back, so you'd think if this was such a dour episode and there was much of a grain of truth in it, we'd have heard uproar from the families and an explanation from the club. Seems a load of bollocks to me, yet as per, posters seem all to ready to jump on 'our' player based on the words of a journalist working for the paper that none of us believe.
Seems like a shit load of hypocrisy to me. And Roopy is right btw, this isn't the first time players and ex-players have had stories posted by The Lying Rag and delivered with the impression that they spoke straight to them. It kind of makes you wonder why a journo would go to such lengths to insist the story was given first hand. So forgive me that I'll have a shed load of doubt over the source, some shred of hope that the player was either misguided, misled or just a bit naive and I'll put alot more weight behind the fact that in the 6 years he was here, he acted with dignity, love for the club and a deep understanding of what the club is about.
It may well have left a sour taste for some, but it seems, like over many a subject on here, people are desperately looking for a stick to beat one of our own with. Let's not tar him with the same brush as Intadje, a player who really was ignorant to the ethics and history of the club.