It was just weeks after he said how honoured he was to have read the lesson at the memorial service, so I still want to hear from him what actually happened. The reporter who claimed he spoke to him was Paul Smith, who's about as low as you can get even among tabloid sports reporters, so I'm certainly not taking what he says as true. But Kenny's departure obscured the whole thing and it's left us with this nasty feeling about a player who always seemed a proper servant of the club. I'm amazed no Hillsborough group hasn't pressured the club to clear it all up - as happened in
the past - but until I know for sure I'll reserve judgement.
To me it's bloody odd - bloody bloody odd. It's hard not to be negative when someone does something like this, but as you say - it makes no sense. It's tough to give someone the benefit of the doubt, but as it is Dirk, I will wish him luck but still think it's f-ed up. So I guess I'm on the fence until someone confirms, or hopefully castrates Smith for his 'game' in, the episode.