All this over something that has an average age of death of like 81, while 99.8% of people recover from it too... if they even notice they've had it. Then you could probably start examining that figure further with the dubious died from/with covid stats, and the died within 28 days figures.
I know it's not a flu, yada yada yada, but out of interest I looked up flu deaths from a few years ago, and there was one winter around 2017 or 2018, where 1800 people were dying a day in the UK. We weren't locking down and restricting the entire population then, or forcing them to inject themselves with god knows what.
I was also sent a picture, I don't know how true it is, and I don't know how to upload it, but in Israel, there's a much, much higher rate of hospitalisations and deaths amongst vaccinated people.
Chances are, this is going to be around forever now, mutating and shifting each year, like flu does. Do we keep locking down millions of people for the sake of a handful of cases, like in Australia? Or do we learn to live with it and protect the vulnerable without impacting on privacy and rights, and without bringing in Orwellian, dystopian measures just to maybe protect (most likely) a few old, fatties from something else that can kill them now?