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Chinese "Devil Virus" - anyone worried?

Is it not concerning that Fauci and Zuckerberg are text buddies ?

And Facebook have influence on Covid affairs ?
Yeah, probably the quiet uneventful passing of tanks rather than massacre

Apparently it's called the 'June Fourth incident' in China.
I read something a while back and just googled it.. that's what it says on wiki.
What word would you consider to be more accurate?
Well genocide is : massacre, wholesale slaughter, mass slaughter, wholesale killing, indiscriminate killing; mass murder, mass homicide, mass destruction, annihilation, extermination, elimination, liquidation, eradication, decimation, butchery, bloodbath, bloodletting; pogrom, ethnic cleansing, holocaust.

Which, lacking any proof to the contrary, other than hearsay, is likely doesn't apply in the way it's generally applied e.g regarding the Tutsis or Jews. I'll expand upon this is answering Atlas.
The problem with using a word such as genocide is the emotional rhetoric attached to it because the first thought in people's minds and that they equate it to (at least in the West) is the Nazis and the gas chambers.
I'm gonna try and be civil here.. as much as I can.

What word would you use instead of the highly emotive word of genocide?

For a people whose country was taken over ...not 1600 years ago as you suggested but has a history of struggle within the past 100 years.

For a people who over a million are in a camp.
Reports of rape.
Reports of forced sterilisation
Reports of forced labour

Houses mosques etc razed to the ground.
Children taken from families

What do you want to call it?
it's a very difficult subject to broach due to the lack of substantial evidence as opposed to the weight of politicised hearsay (e.g the supposedly pregnant 55 year old forced to undergo sterilisation and her report that it is widespread) that is rewarded with wide media coverage and financial or charitable gain.

The clear and obvious fact to mention here is exactly what you have stated: many are unsubstantiated reports that are likely politicised or for other gain and manifestly exaggerated by Western media and politicians, especially since they lack any proof aside from hearsay (removal to camps aside, see below). The weight of which manipulates elements of the population into credence, yourself an example.

In this the Govt. here is complicite simply by carrying on in the way they always have with any Govt. policy. With secrecy, denial and a lack of clarity that could clarify exactly what is happening.

I like to think that as I have lived a quarter of a century here I have a foot on either side of the divide, that I receive more information and consequently probably have a more balanced view than that portrayed by either the Western or Chinese media and politicians. That may or may not be the case but I am not inundated / brainwashed by a single view that can indisputably distort opinion.

What is incontrovertible are the satellite images showing 'educational camps', these now not denied by the Govt. here and which they claim to be educational camps, though almost certainly are along the line of other re-education camps for political prisoners (it's pointless to get into a debate regarding re-education camps for political prisoners since they are a reality that Western Govts' have to a degree accepted as a way of life here). I'm not claiming these are acceptable in any form but it is a reality of politics here.

Of course for sure there will be numerous bad elements amongst the guards in the camps and everyone knows what can and will then happen. But it is a Govt. policy? Highly unlikely. Localised incidents, amongst such a large number of people, is I suspect far more likely.

This is a very deep debate that mostly lacks incontrovertible evidence.The fact there are numerous large camps is likely evidence to the contrary of mass executions (though I've no doubt whatsoever that those termed 'radicals' suffered that fate, this being the standard policy for terrorists e.g those perpetrating the Muslim separatist attacks that antedated the camps and likely elicited such a radical response - see also the USA and UK response to similar issues pertaining to the Middle East or Central America).

The fact is that because of the secrecy (typical for any Govt. policy in China) surrounding these camps is that rumours and innuendo will flourish, as they always have in the West regarding China. The reality, as nearly always in any one-sided proclamation, probably lies somewhere in between the two extremes.
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Can't decide which phone has the best camera...

Well genocide is : massacre, wholesale slaughter, mass slaughter, wholesale killing, indiscriminate killing; mass murder, mass homicide, mass destruction, annihilation, extermination, elimination, liquidation, eradication, decimation, butchery, bloodbath, bloodletting; pogrom, ethnic cleansing, holocaust.

Which, lacking any proof to the contrary, other than hearsay, is likely doesn't apply in the way it's generally applied e.g regarding the Tutsis or Jews. I'll expand upon this is answering Atlas.
The problem with using a word such as genocide is the emotional rhetoric attached to it because the first thought in people's minds and that they equate it to (at least in the West) is the Nazis and the gas chambers.
I believe the phrase you are looking for is ethnic cleansing. Rather than genocide.

That's all it needed.
Microsoft has blamed human error after its search engine, Bing, blocked image and video results for the phrase “tank man” – a reference to the iconic image of a lone protester facing down tanks during the 1989 protests in Tiananmen Square – on the 32nd anniversary of the military crackdown.

Users reported that no results were shown for the search query in countries including the US, Germany, Singapore, France and Switzerland, according to Reuters and Vice News.


Fake news alert. Nobody uses Bing!

Dantes is so desperate to trash Biden and absolve Trump he totally ignores Trump's legacy !

What are you blathering on about? Those are the death tolls. Your ability to unpack and attribute those tolls to the actual decisions and policies which drive them is totally non-existent due to your lack of mathematical modelling experience. Your ability to even make a decent enough stab in the dark at it using your intuition and common sense is also non-existent due to your woke reliance upon fake experts and narratives. So you're left with trump in charge, trump at fault. Headwand levels of stupidity. All I'm pointing out is now biden in charge, therefore biden at fault.

It's good you recognize how retarded that is though. Difference is you did it last year because you were retarded. I do it this year because you were retarded. Common theme there is you're retarded.
What are you blathering on about? Those are the death tolls. Your ability to unpack and attribute those tolls to the actual decisions and policies which drive them is totally non-existent due to your lack of mathematical modelling experience. Your ability to even make a decent enough stab in the dark at it using your intuition and common sense is also non-existent due to your woke reliance upon fake experts and narratives. So you're left with trump in charge, trump at fault. Headwand levels of stupidity. All I'm pointing out is now biden in charge, therefore biden at fault.

It's good you recognize how retarded that is though. Difference is you did it last year because you were retarded. I do it this year because you were retarded. Common theme there is you're retarded.

Well... wouldn’t you attribute all the deaths to the mistakes made during the Trump administration then - it’s not as if Trump had the virus under control and deaths had stopped in January 2021.

Since you like graphs...


Well... bugger me senseless - it looks like deaths started to come down towards the end of January - I mean is there anything we could point to happening around that time that may have turned that upward trend round????
You'll have to define one of these mistakes, and then present the evidence which proves its effect upon the death toll. Better late then never I suppose.
Which logic do the UK's lists of green, amber or red countries follow?

They seem a bit random.
Whoever is giving the most money and/or if we cant get to the other country because they aren't letting foreigners in = Green

A country is giving some money to the Tories = Amber

No kick backs = Red
What are you blathering on about? Those are the death tolls. Your ability to unpack and attribute those tolls to the actual decisions and policies which drive them is totally non-existent due to your lack of mathematical modelling experience. Your ability to even make a decent enough stab in the dark at it using your intuition and common sense is also non-existent due to your woke reliance upon fake experts and narratives. So you're left with trump in charge, trump at fault. Headwand levels of stupidity. All I'm pointing out is now biden in charge, therefore biden at fault.

It's good you recognize how retarded that is though. Difference is you did it last year because you were retarded. I do it this year because you were retarded. Common theme there is you're retarded.
What is clearly retarded is your desperation to attribute anything positive to Trump and anything negative to Biden regardless of the time frame or even logic. Trumpism in its purest form.

Is it any wonder you've become a laughing stock on this forum. The only surprise therein is that you continue to fanatically reply to each and every anti-Trump or anti-Dantes post on the forum - one can only assume that you do this because you have nothing better to do, which obviously then belies your claimed status as a super-brain. Because surely someone of your claimed intellect (excuse me whilst I wet myself laughing) wouldn't be in this thread or on this forum.
What is clearly retarded is your desperation to attribute anything positive to Trump and anything negative to Biden regardless of the time frame or even logic. Trumpism in its purest form.

Is it any wonder you've become a laughing stock on this forum. The only surprise therein is that you continue to fanatically reply to each and every anti-Trump or anti-Dantes post on the forum - one can only assume that you do this because you have nothing better to do, which obviously then belies your claimed status as a super-brain. Because surely someone of your claimed intellect (excuse me whilst I wet myself laughing) wouldn't be in this thread or on this forum.

So you're just using narratives and stories from your imagination to pretend you're not a retard and I am the retard? Got it.

Meanwhile you still got taken for a fool by Fauci, and a guy who can't put his trousers on right didn't.
So you're just using narratives and stories from your imagination to pretend you're not a retard and I am the retard? Got it.

Meanwhile you still got taken for a fool by Fauci, and a guy who can't put his trousers on right didn't.
As if further vindication were required (it's not) : Dantes fulfilling his proclivity, over and over and ... .
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